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fu £onttfbfng .etemptott r ' 3 and make him favourable, to calm the Confcience, Chap. VI. were frivolous and unprofitable. And their molt ge- nerous Principles, and accurate Precepts, were (bort ofthat purity and perfe&ion wherewith moral duties are perform'd to God and men. Briefly, they wafted their Candle in vain, in fearching for theway to true happinefs. But God who created Man for the enjoy- ment of himfelt, bath happily accomplifht his eternal Decree, by the work of our Redemption, wherein his own Glory is molt vifible. And the Golpel which reveals this to us, humbles whom it jufiifies, and com- forts thole that were condemned: it abates more than the Law, but without delpair, and advances more than Nature could, but without prefumption. The Mediator takes away the guilt ofour old fins, and our inclination to new fins: we are not only refior'd, but exalted, made Heirs of God, joint-Heirs with Chrifl. Rom. 8. ,,. For there realons theApotile fets fo high a value upon the Heavenly Doêirine, that reveals a Saviour to the undone World. He defired to know nothing but 7efus i Cor. s. 2. Chrifl, andhim Crucified. He defpileth all Pharifaical and Philofophical Learning in comparifon of the Excel- Phil. 3.8. lency of the Knowledge ofChrifl yefus. Other know- ledge (wells the mind and increafes the efieem of our (elves, this gives us a fincere view of our fiate. It difcovers our mifery in its caufes, and the Almighty Mercy that raves us. Other knowledge inlightens the underfianding, without changing the heart, but this infpires us with the love of God, with the hatred of fin, and makes us truly better. In Peeking after other knowledge, the mind is perplext by endless inquiries: here 'tis at ref}, as the wavering Needle is fixt when turn'd to its beloved Star. Ignorance ofother things may be without any real damage to us for we may be dire&ed by the skilful how to preferve Life and Elate. Q But