Bates - BT775 B274 1675

1122 3:0e pRratom fix AttrtbuteV, Ch. VII. , with what colour then could they reje& our Redeemer becaufe crucified ? As ifVice werenot more incompa- tible with the Deity, thanSufferings. Now though Reafon enflav'd by prejudice, and cor- rupted by Pafilon, defpifes the Gofpel, yet when 'tis enlightned by Faith, it difcovers fuch a wife economy in it, that were it not true, it would tranfcend themolt noble created Mind to invent it : 'Tis fo much above our molt excellent Thoughts, that no Humane Under- fianding would ever attempt to feign it, with confi- dence of perfwading the world into a Belief of it. .How is it poffible that it fhould be contriv'd by natu- ral Keafon, fince no man can believe it fincerely when 'tis reveal'd, without a fupernatural Faith? To con- firm our Belief of thefe great and laving Myfieries, I will (hew how juft it is, that the Underftanding fhould refign it felf to Divine Revelation which hath made them known. In order to this, wemuff confider, r. There are Tome Do&rines in the Gofpel, the Un- derftanding could not difcover, but when they are reveal'd, it hath a clear apprehenfìonof them upon a rational account, and fees the charac`lers ofTruth vi- fibly ftampt on their Forehead. As the Do&rine of Satisfa &ion to Divine Juftice, that Pardon might be difpens'd to repenting Sinners. For our natural con- ceptionof God includes his infinite Purity and )uftíce; And when the deign of the Gofpel is made known, whereby he hath provided abundantly for the honour of thole Attributes, fo that He doth the greateftGood without encouraging the leaft Evil, Reafonacquiefces and anowledges, This I fought, but could not find.. Now a though the primary Obligation to believe fuch Do&rines arifeth from Revelation, yet being ratified by Reafon, they are embraced withmore Clearnefs by the Mind. 2. There