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inContain epare0 iCiebeitiptton. 125 more eafily be included in a fpark of Fire, than the Ch. Vii infinite Perfe&ions of God be comprehended by a finite Mind. The Angels whodwell fo near the Foun- tain of Light, cover their faces in a holy Confufion yfai. s, 2. not being able to comprehend Him. How much lefs can Man in this earthly ftate, diftant from God, and oppreft with a burthen of Fleth? Now from hence it follows; z. That Ignorance of the manner how Divine My- fleries exift, is no fufficient Plea for Infidelity, when the scripture reveals that they are. For Reafon that is limited and reftrain'd, cannot frame a Conception that is comr4enfurate to the Effence andPower of God. This will appear more clearly by confidering the .1I fyfterious Excellencies of the DivineNature, the cer- tainty of which we believe, but themanner we cannot underftand : As that his Effence and Attributes are Thanicus, ,m the fame, without the Icaft Ihadowof compofition ; menfussc rote yet his Wifdom and Power are to our apprehenlions fbi tancus, gaantus eft diftin&, and his Mercy and Juftice in Tome manner op= ocus, nobis polite. That his Effence is intire in all places, yet not v road ei terminated in any. That He is above the Heavens, and Pettusan beneath the Earth, yet hath no relation of highor low, gußum ea, asj diftant or near. That He penetrates all fubftances, ideò tc eum æfi -- but is mixed withnone. That he underftands, yet re- musignè , càm ima m- ceives no Idea's within Himfeif; that He wills, yet ái(Cu nabi'et aa. bath no motion that carries Himout of Himfeif That Feit, inHim Timehath no Succeffion, that which is paft is not gone, and that which is future, is not to come. That He loves without Paffion, is angry without di- fturbance, repents without Change. Thefe Perfetti ons are above the capacity of Reafon fully to under- frond, yet effentiat to the Deity. Herewe mutt exalt Faith, and abafe Reafon. Thus in the Myftery ofthe. Incarnation, that twofuck diftant Naturesthould.corn- z Tirn. L a ., pofe