Bates - BT775 B274 1675

28 VjeDarniOnpattic ?)ÍbineIfttnbut , ch. 'VW of God, the °economy of the Perfons, and his Power tounite himfelf to a Nature belowHim. 'Tis true, no Article of Faith is really repugnant to Keafon, for God is the Author of Natural, as well as of Supernatural Light, and He cannot contradict Himfelf: they are emanations from Him, and though different, yet not deftru&ive of each other. But we muff di- Ilinguifh between thofe things that are above Reafon and incomprehenfible, and thofe things that are againft Reafon and utterly inconceivable : Some things are above Reafon in regard of their tranfcendent excel- lency or diffance from us; the divine Effence , the Eternal Decrees, the Hypoflatical Union are fuch high and glorious Obje&s, that it is an impoffible enterprife to comprehend them : the intelleíual Eye is dazled with their overpowering Light. We can have but an imperfe& knowledge of them: And there is no juft caufe ofwonder that supernatural Revelation fhould fpeak incomprehenfible things of God. For He is a fingular and admirable Being,infinitely above the ordi- nary courfe of Nature. The Maxims of Philofophy are not to be extended to Him. We muff adore what we cannot fully underfland. But thofe things are againff Reafon, and utterly inconceivable, that involve a contradiffion, and have a naturalrepugnancy toour Underftandings, which cannot conceiveany thing that is formally impoffible : And there is no fuch Doárine in the Chriflian Religion. 2. We muff diffinguifh between Reafon corrupted, and right Reafon. Since the Fall, the clearnefs ofthe Humane Underffanding is loft, and the light that re- mains is eclipfecl by the interpofition of fenfual lulls. The carnal Mind cannot out of Ignorance, and will not from Pride and other malignant habits, receive things fpiritual. And from hence arife many fufpi- cions