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10 Vie Datumet*Zibíne Ittfrílattm Ch. VII. Erroneous ; becaufe its judgment proceeds not from the quality of the Obje&, but from the Jaundife that dif- colours the Organ : fo thofe who believe theDoetrineof the Gofpe! upon the account of its Civil eftablifhment in their Country, are not right Believers, becaufe they of ent to the wordof truthupon a falte Principle. 'Tis not Judgment but Chance that enclines them to embrace it. The Turks upon the fame reafon are zealous Votaries of Mahomet, as they are Difciples of Chrift. 2. Faith makes ufe of Reafon to confider what Do- Urines are revealed in the Scripture, and to deduce thole Confequences which have a clear connexion with fupernatural Principles. Thus Reafon is an excellent inftrument to diftinguith thofe things which are of a Divine Original, fromwhat isfpurious and counterfeit. For fometimes that is pretended to be a lblyfl:ery of Religion, which is only the fruit of Fancy, and that is defended by thé facred refpe& of Faith, that Rea- fon ought not to violate, which is but a ground- lefs imagination; fo that we remain in an Error, by the foie apprehenfions of falling into one, as thofe that die for fear of Death. The Bereans are commen- Aa.17.11. ded for their fearching the Scriptures, whether the Do- ¿Irines they heard were confentaneous to them. But 'tis a neceflary Duty that Reafon, how ftiff foever, fhould fully comply with God, where it appears reafo- nable that He hath fpoken. Briefly, The richeft Ornament of the Creature is Humility, and themoll: excellent effe t ofit is the fenfe of the weaknefs of our Underftanding. This is the temper of Soul that prepares it for Faith: partly as it puts us on a ferious confideration of thole things which are reveal'd tous in the Word: Infidelity pro- ceeds from the want ofconfideration, and nothing hin- ders