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O Vie WinnowdaleZíbíne littíüute , Chat nifes the Divine Companion, that our Deliverance is f full and intire. It had been admirable Favour to have mitigated our Mifery 5 but we have perfeét Redempti- on, fweetned by the remembrance of thole dreadful evils that oppreft us. As the three Hebrew Martyrs Dan. 3 ' came unhurt out ofthe fiery Furnace, The hair oftheir heads were not ßnged, nor their coats changed, nor the finell ofthefire had palled on them: So the Saints above have no marks of. Sin or Mifery remaining upon them, not the lull JPot-or wrinkle to blaft.their Beauty, nor the leaf( trouble to diminifh their Bleffednefs 5 but for ever pofíels the Fulnefsof Joy, and Glory, a pure and triumphant Felicity. 2. The Greatnefs of the Divine Love towards fain Man appears in the means by whichour Redemption is accomplifht. And thofe are the Incarnation andSuf- ferings of the Son of Goda The Incarnation mans felts thisLove upon adouble account. T. In regard ofthe efléntial conditionof the nature he affum'd. 2. Its Servile Bate and meannels. r. The effential condition of the humane nature of fum'd by our Redeemer difcovers his tranfcendent Love to us. For what proportion is there between God and Man ? Infinite and Finite are not terms that admit comparifon, as Greater and Lefs ; but are di- ftant, as All and Nothing. The whole World before 40. T5,17. him, is but as the drop of the Bucket that bath fcarce weight to all and the frnall duít of the Balance, that is of offu ch moment as to turn the fcales; 'tis as no- thing, and counted left than nothing and vanity. The Deity in its ownnature includes Independenceand So- vereignty. To be a Creature implys dependence, and fubje±ion. The Angelical Nature is infinitely inferiour to theDivine, and Man is lower than the Angels; yet the