Bates - BT775 B274 1675

16 z e tit UOt oîíße i1 ÜI¢ IfttattteV, Cha IX makes a Separation between him and the Creature: But Glory and Joy are difpenfed in a free andarbitrary manner. This dereliîíion of our Saviour mutt beun- derftood with refpe& to the fecond, not thefirfl Com- munication. In the extremity of his Torments all his Affections were innocent and regular, being only railed to that degree, which the vehemency of the obje& required. He expreft nomurmur againft God, nor anger againft his enemies. His Faith, Love, Hu- mility, Patience were then in their Exaltation. But that glorious and unfpeakable Joy which in the courfe of his Life the Deity conveyed to Him, was then with- drawn. An impetuous torrent of pure unmixed Sor- rows broke into his holy Soul: He felt no refrething emanations, fo that having loft the fenfe of prefent Joy, there remained in his Soul only the,hopeoffuture Joy. And in that fad moment, his Mind was fo intent upon his Sufferings, that he feems to havebeendiverted from the actual confideration of the Glory that attended the iffue of them. Briefly, All comforting Influences were fufpended, but without prejudice to the Perfonal Union, or the Perfe&ion of his Grace, or to the Love of his Father toward Him. His Soul was liable to forrows, as his Body to death. For the Deity is the Principle of Life as well as of Joy; and as the Body of Chrift was three days in the ftate ofDeath, and the Hypoftatical Union remained entire; fo his Soul was left for a timeunder the fearful impreffions ofwrath, yet was not feparated from theGod-head. And althoughHe endured what- ever was neceffàry for the Expiationof Sin; yet all vi- cious Evils, as Blafphemy, Hatred of God, and any other which are not inflicted by the Judg, but in ftri& nefsare accidental to the Punífhment, and proceed from the weaknefs or wickednefs of the Patient, he was not i.n.