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ftt Contain !e},aatfliR2aauption. I behind me satan, as he did formerly agaimo the Devil Chap. IX. tempting to worfhip him. Heefi eemed him the worft ad- verfary that would divert him from his Sufferings : He long'd for the Baptifn ofhis Blood. And when Death was in his view with all the circumftances of terrour, and the fupreme Judge flood before him rea- dy to infiic`'c the jufl punifhment of fin, though the ap- prehenfion of it was fo dreadful that he could fcarce live under it, yet he refolved to accomplifh his Work. Our Salvation was amiable to him in his Agony. This is fpecially obferved by the Evangelic, that Jefüs hav- Joh,13,1. ing loved his own, he loved them to the end. When the Souldiers came to feite upon him, though by one word he could have commanded Legions of Angels for his refcue, yet he yielded up himfeif to their Cruelty. 'Twas not any defe& ofpower, but the ftrength ofhis Love that made him to fuffer. He was willing to be Crucified, that we might be glorified : our Redem- ption was fweeter to him, than Death was bitter, by which it was to be obtained. 'Twas excellently faid by Pherecydes, that God transformed himfelf in- E; ,,EPmTz to Lovewhen he made the World : but with greater t_1acxr, ,,,,r reafon 'tis Paid by the Apofile, God is Love , when T ota 1-4tiN,bY- he redeemed it. 'Twas Love that by a miraculous i",,,41.74,/,e1-9,4 condefcenfion took our Nature, accomplifhing the aped Prod. defire ofthe myftical Spoufe, Let him kif me with the kips of his mouth : 'Twas Love that floop't to the form of a Servant, and led a poor defpifed life here below; 'Twas Love that endur'd a Death neither eafie, nor honourable, but molt unworthyof the gloryof the Divine, and the innocency of the Humane nature. Love chofe to die on the Crofs, that we might live in Hea- ven, rather than to enjoy that blefednefs, and leave Mankind in mifery. Z 2 CHAP.