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in Contribing Ottlfziricborption. 175 nefs dwells in thofe pure and bleffed Spirits, that they Chap. X. rejoyce in our reftoration and advancement. LdV-Ns To this I fhall add, that as the Son of God hath a fpecial relation toMan, fo themote tenderaffe6tions for him. To illufl:rate this by a fenfible inffance: Angels and Men are as two different Nations in Language and Cufloms, but under the fame Empire: and if a Prince that commands two Nations fhould employ one for the fafety and profperity of' the other, it were an Argu- mentof fpecial favour. Now the Angels arePentforth neb, 1.14 to minifler for them who are Heirs ofSalvation. Be- fides, in two other things the peculiar affectionof the Prince would be moft evident to that Nation. I. If he put on their habit, and attire himfelf ac- cording to their fafhion. a. If he fixt his refidence among them. Now theSon of God was cloathed with our fiefh, and fund in fa ft ion as a man, and for ever appears in it in Heaven;".. and will at the laft day inveft our bodies with glory like to his own. He now dwells in us by his Spirit, and when our warfare is accomplifht, he (hall in a fpecial manner be prefent with us in the eternal Manfions. As. God incarnate he convert with Men on Earth, and as . fuch he will converfe with them in Heaven. There he reigns as the firfl-born in the rnidJt ofmany Brethren. Now all thefe Prerogatives are the fruits of our Re- demption. And how great is that Mercy which hath railed Man- kind more glorious out of its ruines! The Apoftle breaks out with a Heavenly of onilhment, Beholdwhat a Johni.g4. manner of Love the Father bath befiozved upon us, that we fhould be called the Sons ofGod ! that we who are Strangers and Enemies, Children of Wrath by nature, fhould be dignified with the honourable, and amiable title,