Bates - BT775 B274 1675

In Cflntrtbtng tleDemptt®n, 25 Creator ! That Man fhould prefer fervile compliance Chap. IL to the will of the Tempter, before free fubjeition to his Father and Sovereign ! To depofe God and place the Devil in his Throne, was double Treafon, and pro- vok'd his infinite jealoufie. 5. Unaccountable and amazing Folly. What a de- fpicable acquifition tempted him out of Happinefs ! If there had been any pof bible comparifon between them, the choice had been moreexcufable. But that the pleafures of Tafle andCuriofìty fhould outvie the fa- vour of God which is better thanLife, that the mofI pernicious evil gilded with the thin appearance of good fhould be preferr'd before the fubftantial and fupreme Good, is the reproach of his R.eafon and makes the choice fo criminal. And what lets than voluntary Madnefs could encline him to defire that, which he ought infinitely to have fear'd, that is, the knowledge of evil ? for nothing could deflroy his Happinefs but the experience of Evil. What but a wilful di.flrac`lion could induce him to believe, that by defacing God's image he fhould become more like him ? Thus Man being in honour, but without under- Ptal. 49.12. (landing, became like thebealh that perifh. 6. Abloody cruelty to himfelf, and all his Poflerity. When God had made him a depoftary in a matter of infinitemoment, that is, of his own Happinefs, and all mankinds, this fhould have been a powerful motive to have kept him vigilant : But giving a ready ear to the Tempter, he betrai'd his truf}, and at once breaks both the Tables of the Law, and becomes guilty of thehighefi Impiety and Cruelty. He was a Murderer before a Parent, hédifinheritedall his Children before they wereborn,andmade them Slaves before they knew the price of Liberty. And that which increafes themalignity of this Sin, È and