Bates - BT775 B274 1675

tnCotattbing att'0Uebettiption, 29 Pimple fuafion. Briefly, though Adamhad ftrength fufficient to Ch. I i repel all the Powers ofDarknefs, yet he was vanquifht by the v\ affault of a fingle Temptation. Now that Man fo richly fur- nifht with all the Perfections of the Mind, and the excellent Vertues ofwhich Original Righteoufnefswas compos'd ; that endued with knowledg to fbrefee the incomparable Evil that would redound to himfelf,and the univerfal to his pofterity by his difobedience; that being fo well tempered in his Confti- tution that all his Appetites were fubje± to Reafon 5 that not- withftanding thefe prefervatives he fhould be deceived by the falfe perfwafion of anerring mind, and overcome by Carnal Concupifcence,as the evil effects ofit will not ceafe to the end of the World, nor the juft wonder how it was poflible to hap- pen : Thefe are the circumftances which derive a crimfon-guilt to his rebellious Sin, and render itabove meafure finful. This will more fully appear in the dreadful effeéts that en- fried. By his difobedience he loft Original Righteoufnefs, and made a deadly forfeiture of Felicity. i. He loft Original Righteoufnefs: for that fo depended on thehumane faculties, that the aûual violation of the Law was prefently attendedwith theprivationofit.Befides,the na- ture ofhis Sin contained an entire forfakingofGod as envious ofhis Happinefs, and a converfion to the Creature as the fu- preme Good. Andwhatever is defir'd as theTaft endperfective ofman, virtually includes all fubordinateends,and regulates all means for obtaining it. So that that being chang'd, a uni- verfal change ofmoral qualities in Adam neceffarily followed. InBead of the rectitude and excellent holinefs of the Soul, fucceeded apermanent ViciouÇnefs and Corruption.NowHo- linefs may beconfidered in the notionof Purity and Beauty, or of Dominionand Lìberty,in oppofition to which Sin is re- prefented in Scripture by foul Deformity, andServitude. 1. His Soul degenerated from its Purity ; the faculties re- main'd, but the moral Perfedions were loft wherein thebright- nefs ofGods Imagewas molt confpìcious.The holy Wifdomof his