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34 * panilQtlp ßfitQ tDibine laticibttfM Chap. III. LFY J AllMankind involv'd in Adam'sguilt, and under the penal confequences that follow upon it. Adam the natural and moral Principle ofMankind. An here- ditary Corruption is tranfjnitted to all that arepro- pagated from him. The account the Scripture gives of the Conveyance of it. 'Tts an innate Habit. Tis univerfal. Corrupt Nature contains the feeds of all Sins, though they do not 'hoot forth together. 'Th. voluntary and culpable. The permiffion of the Fall fuitable to the Wifdom, Holinefs, and Gnodnef of God. The imputation of Adam's Sin to his Poflerity is confflent with God's Jufice. HE Rebellion of the FirmMan againfl the great Creatorwas a Sin ofuniverfal efficacy,that derives aguilt and {lain to Mankind in all Ages of the World. The account the Scripture gives of it, is grounded on the relation which all men have to Adam as their natural and moral Principle. I. Their Natural. God created one Man in the be- ginning,fromwhom all othersderive their beings : And that the unity might be the more entire, he form'd of him that aid which was necefíàry for the commu- nicating his kind to the world. He made ofone Blood all Nations ofAlen, to dwell on the face of the earth. And as the whole race of Mankind was virtually in Adam's Loins, fo it wasprefumed to give virtual con lent towhat he did. Whenhe broke, all fuffered {hip wrack, that were contain'd in him as their natural Ori- ginal. The Angels were created immediately and di- flin&ly, without dependance upon one another as to their Original; therefore when a great number revolted from Aas 17. 25. CHAP. III.