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,lieTlarìtaonp of tile Zïbfne AítríbnteV, but Chai t material u humanity, ,v heCorruption of Si withwhich the whole nature is infe&ed. This is evident by thedefcription the Apo- Rom. 8. 7. file gives of it ; That the flefh is not fubjell to the Law ofGod, and that which aggravates the evil is, that it can't be. Sinful Corruption is expreft by this title, partly in regard it is tranfmitted by the way of carnal Pfal,:gt, y, propagation; Behold I was fhapen in iniquity, and in sin did my Mother conceive me ; And partly in regard 'tis exercifed by the carnal members. This Corrupti- on is a poifon fo fubtle that it pierces into all the powers of theSoul ; fo contagious that it infe&s all the A&ions; fo obftinate that only omnipotent Grace can heal it. More particularly ; z. 'Tis an innate Habit, not meerly acquir'd by I- mitation. The root of bitternefs is planted in the Humane Nature, and produces its fruits in the various feafons of Life. No age is free from its working ; Gcn. 6. 9. Every imagination of the thoughts of Mans heart are only evil, and continually evil. We fee this verified in Children, when the moft early a&s of their Reafon, and the Fri/ inftances of their Apprehenfion are in Sin. Ifwe afcendhigher, and confider Manin his Infant-ftate, the vicious inclinations which appear in the Cradle, the violent motions of anger which difturbs sucklings, their endeavour to exercife a weak revenge on thofe that difpleafe them, convince us that the Corruption is natural, and proceeds from an infe&ed Original. Job 14, 4, 2. As 'tis Natural, fo Univerfal. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean ? That is, How can a Righteous perfon be born of a Sinner ? The Anfwer is peremptory, Not one. The Fountain was poifon'd in Adam, and all the Streams partake of the infe&ion. All that are derived from him in a natural way, and have