Bates - BT775 B274 1675

44 0e patampof Mt tttvibut , Chap. III. imputed to any defeec of the Divine Goodnefs. t-/ r%j 2. God is infinitely Good notwitliffanding the en- trance of Sin and Mifery into the World. We muff diffinguifh between Natural and Voluntary Agents. Naturul Agents have no power to`fufpend their Atls, but are entirely determin'd, and their Operations are adextremism virium, to the utmoff of their efficacy. If there were infinite degrees of Heat there would be no Cold, it being overcome by the force of its con- trary. But God is a wifeand free Agent, and as he is Infinite in Goodnefs ; fo the exercife ofit is voluntary, and only fo far as he pleafes. 3. God is an omnipotent Good, and 'eis his peculiar glory to bringGood out of Evil, that by the oppofi- tdon and luffre of Contraries his Goodnefs m=x_'-t be the more confpicuous. To fpeak ffrialy, Sin is theonly evil in the world : for all the reff which appear fo to our fancies and appetites, are either abfolutely good, or upon the fuppofal of Sin : viz. either for the refor- mation of Sinners, or for the ruine of the Obffinate. Now the Evil of Sin God permitted as a fit occafïon for the more glorious difcovery of his Attributes, in fending his Son into the world to repair his Image which was defac'd, and to raife Man from an Earthly toCeleflialHappinefs. I fhaIl conclude with the excel- lent Anfwer of St. Auflin to the adverfaryof the Law Contra amer. and the'Prophets : uibarr auteur videtur rc hominem Leg. &Proph. faeri debuifle ut peccare nollet, non eis difpliceat (Ic effe Lib. i. c. ,y. factum, ut non peccarepoftet, f nollet. Nunquid énimß melior effet qui nonpoßetpeccare, ideo nonbenefaelus eft qui poftet & non peccare ? An vero ufque adeo de¡spi- endum eft, ut homo videat melius aliquid fieri debeiffe, tv hoc Deum vidiße nonputet? Autpufet vidifse& cre- dat facere noluiffe ? Ant voluiJ?e quidem&minime po- tuife ? Avertat hoc Dew à Cordibue piorum. The fub- ftance