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66 Oe tummyatticZaneZttti1tttez, Chap. IV. that 'tis impofible that the higheft refpe& to it after- V-s.) wards, fhould compenfate for the leaft violation of it.. Betides, make Satisfa&ion for a Fault, 'tis necef- fary the Offender do Tome voluntary a&, that may be as honourable to the perfon, and as much above what . he was before obliged to, as the contempt was difho- nourable andbelow that whichwasdue. Unlefs God receive that which is as eftimable in the nature of Obe- dience, as the injury he received is in the nature of Contempt, there can be no Satisfa&ion. Now there is a greater dithonour brought to God by the commit fonof one Sin, than there is honour by theperfe&Obe- dience of all the Angels : For in their Obedience God is preferr'd by the Creature, before things infinitely beneath, him, which is but a (mall honour; but by one Sin he is difvalued in the comparifon, which is infinite Contempt. 2. Man cannot make fatísfa&ion by Suffering. For the Puni(hment muff be equal to the Offence, which derives its guilt from the dignityof thePerron offend- ed, and the indignity of the offender. NowGod is the Vniverfal King, his Juftice is Infinite, which Man hath injur'd, and his Glory, which Man bath obfcur'd and Man isfinite. And what proportion it there be- tween finite and infinite? How can a wortlilefs Rebel that is hateful toGod, expiate the offence of fo excel- lent a Majefty? If he facrifce himfelf, he can never appeafe the Divine Difpleafure, for what doth he of- fer but a lump of Rebellion and Ingratitude ? He can, make no other Satisfaction but that of the Devils, which continues for ever, and is not compleated. secondly, Fain : Man confidered only in his corrupt and miferable ftate is incapable of real Repentance, . which is a neceffaryCondition toqualifie him for Par- dom For whereas Repentance includes an ingenuous :form