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74 t Dart110t1V OtMC. 2ittrititiftg, Chap. V. impofíible but that he fhould love tliOmage of his Ho- p. linefs wherever it (nines.{ Or fuppofe an innocent creature in MJy, the Di- vine Mercy would fpeedily excite his powe -to refcue it : For God is Love to all his Creatures as (Mach till fome extrinfeeal caufe intervenes, which God hates more than he loves the Creature ; and that is Sin, which alone flops the effufìon of his Goodnefs, and opensa wide paffage for wrath to fall upon the guilty. But how to favethe Creature that is undone by its own choice, and is as finful as miferable, willpofe the wif- domof the world. Heaven it felf feem'd to be di- vided. Mercyenclin'd to fave, but juflice interpos'd for fatisfa&ion. Mercy regarded Man with refpe& to his mifery, and thepleas of it are, Shall the Almighty build to ruine? Shall the moft excellent creature in the lower world perifh, the fault not being folely his ? Shall the enemy triumph for ever, and raife his Trophies from the Works of the moft High ? Shall the reafo- nable Creature lofe the fruition of God, and God the fubjettion and fervice of the Creature, and all Man- kind be made invain? Nice confider'd Man as guilty of a tranfcendent Crime, and 'tis its Nature to render to every one what is due ; now the wages of sin is Death, andfliall not the judgeofall the worlddo right ? All the other Attributes feem'd to be attendants on Juflice. The Wifdom of Godenforc'd its Plea, it be- ing molt indecent that Sin which provokes the execu- tion, fhould procure the abrogation of the Law; this would encourage the commiffion of Sin without fear. The Majefly of God was concern'd, for it was not becoming his excellent Greatnefs to treat with defiled dufi, and to offer Pardon to a prefumptuous Rebel immediately after his Offence, and before he made Sup- plication to his Judge. The Holinefs of God did quicken