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76 3110 pommyoffty u1 mnc [tttibutcz,, Chap. V. Love to Man, and by the other fatisfies his infinite Juftice for Man. Neither is it unbecoming God to condefcend in accepting the returning Sinner, when a .Mediator of infinite dignity intercedes for favour. The 2 Cor. y. Divine Majefty is not leflèn'd when God is in Chri,fi reconciling the world untohimfelf Neither is theSani- ty of God difparag'd by his Clemency to Sinners, for the Redeemer is the principle and pattern ofHolinefs to all that are faved. The fame Grace that enclin'd God to fend his Son to die for us, gives his Spirit to live in us, that we may be reviv'd and renewed according to his Image, and by conformity to God be prepared for communion with him. Here is a fweet concurrenceof all the attributes, Mercy and Truth are met together, P[aim. 85.1o. Righteoufneff and Peace kiß each other. Who can count up this heap of wonders ? Who can unfold all the treafures of this myfierions Love? The Tongue of an Angel cannot explicate it according to its dignity : 'Tis the faireft Copy of theDivineWifdome, thecon- fummationof all God's Counfels, wherein all theAt- tributes aredifplayed in their brighteft luftre: 'Tishere Eph. 3.10. the manifold wifdome ofGod appears. The Angels of Light bend themfelves with extraordinary application Pet. z: IZ. of Mind, and ardent Affections to fludy the rich and an allufion ro unfearchable variety that is in it. Only the fame Lin- the powre of derflanding comprehends it which contriv'd it. But as the .hcrubthe one that views the Ocean, though he cannot fee its looking into the Ark; bounds or bottom, yet he fees fo much as to know that that vaft collection of waters is far greater than what is within the compafs of his fhort fight: So though we cannot underftand all the depths of that immenfe W,ifdom, which order'd the way of our Salvation, yet wemay difcover fo much, as to know with the Apoffle, Eph áo that it furpa%fes knowledge. He that is theBrightnefs of his Father's Glory, and the Light of the World, fo i Ruminate