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Chao. V. we may truft him to follicite our Salvation. In short, 'Tis the great fupport of our Faith that we have accefs Ephef. a. 18, to the Father by the Son, and prefent all our requensby a Mediator fo worthy and fo dear to Him, and by One who left the Joys of Heaven, that by enduring A>fllifti- on on Earth, his heart might be made tuneable to the hearts of the afzied. Secondly, For the difchargeof the Prophetical Office, 'twas neceffàry the Mediator thould be God and Man. I. He mull be God, that he might deliver his Coun- fels with more authority and efficacy than any meer Creature could. He mull: be a Teacher fent from Hea- ven that reveals to us the Will of God concerning the way thither, and the certainty and excellency of that frate. Now Chrifi is the original of all Wifdom, 'tis not laid the Word of the Lord came to Him, as to the Prophets ; He is the Fountain of all sacredKnowledge. Jahn g The son came from the Bofom of the Father, the Seat of his Counfels and compaffions, to reveal thole Se- crets which were concealed from the Angels, in that Light which is inaccefJble. And 'tis God alone can teach the Heart, and convince the Confcience, fo as to produce a Paving Belief of theHeavenly Ooftrine, and a delight in the difcovery, and a refolution to follow it wherever it dire&s. 2. 'Twas fit he fhould be Man, that he might be Fa- miliarly converfant with us, and conveigh the Coun- fels of God in fuck a way as Man could receive. All fa- ving Truth comes fromGod, and it follows by juft con- fequence, that thenearer he is to us the better we are like to be inflruered. Now there are two things which render Cnful Man incapable of immediate converfe with God. r. The Infirmity of bis Nature. '. The Guilt that cleaves to him.