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84 ateOatinanv of tie sbi e 2ttr bUte , Chap. V. fo their Operations are according to the manner of t iV-id their fubgi:ence. The Father is from Himfelf, and the fall motions in all things are afcribed to him; the Son is from the Father, and all his anion, take their rice John 5. '9. from him. The son can do nothing of himfelf, but what he feeth the Father do. The efieéiing our Redemption is refer'd to the Fathers Will as the fupreme caufe: our Saviour, upan his entrance into the world to under- Reb. io y. take that work, declares, I come to do thy Will O God. Upon this account the Apoflle addreífes his thanks to C'Ol. I. 12. F id. Amyr. de Trin. the Father as thefirfI Agent in our Salvation : which is not to leflén the glory of the Son and Spirit, but to lignifie that in theaccomplifhment of it, their working follows their being. 2. It was not fit that the Father fhould be incarnate, for He muff then have fufiained the part ofa Criminal, and appear'd in that qualitybefore theSupreme Judge : But this was not confonant to the order among the Perfons. For although they are of equal Majefly, be- ing one God, yet the Father is the firfl Perlon, and to him it belongs moli congruouíly to be the Guardian of the Laws and Rights of Heaven, to exact Satisfaction for offences, and to receive Intercefiìons for the Pardon of the Penitent. 3. Neither was it fit that the Third Perlon should undertake that work. For betides the Sacrifice for Propitiation, it was neceffary the Divine Power should be exerted to enlighten the Minds, and encline the Wills ofmento receive the Redeemer, that the Benefits of his Death might be appliedto them. Now theRe- deemer is confider'd as the Objed, and the Holy Spirit as the Difpofer of the faculty to receive it. And in the natural order of things, the object muff exifl before the operation of the faculty upon it. There muff be Light before the Eye can fee it. So in thedifpofition of