Bates - BT825 B37 1683

l00 SEMONS fo in Cbrift hall all be made alive. As I Gor.i 5.22 all that were naturally in and fromAdam the corupt fountain of. Mankind, are under the lentence ofDeath ; fo all that are in Chrift the Head of the Regenerate, hhall partake of his bleffed Life. Others hall be railed by his Power, as their Judg, but not as their Head : rais'd to be more milerable than Death can make them , not be transform'd into his glorious Re- femblance ; made capable of iiif- fering an ever-dying Death, not revived to eternal Life. 'Now the bond of our union` to Chrifl, is the holy Spirit deri- ved fromhim, as the Head of the Church, and is the inward, pow- erful and 'ailingprinciple ofHo- linels, and new obedience in Be- Car6. 17. lievers. He that is joined to the Lord, is one Spirit : that is,- by theSpirit of Holinefs has a real participati- on