Bates - BT825 B37 1683

io6 SER,11f011ZS a Reafonable Creature : Thus the Love of God is the moil Divine Grace, the true FormofHolineís, the Root from whence all other Verrues fpring and flourifh, and moll peculiarly diflinguifh a Saint from Unregenerate Men how- ever adorn'd and accomplifh'd iò that a Saint is moil properly defined to be a Lover of God. This is the Principle of true Holineís inherent in the Soul,and lhining in theConverfation, that diflinguifhes the Sincerity of a Saint from the Art of Hypocrify, an affened appearance of Religi-` on for carnal sordid refpens : and from Civil Verme, that reflrains horn what is ignominious and disgraceful to our Reputation,and makes obnoxious to penalties of the Laws, and excites topraife- worthy Anions , upon worldly motives ; and from Philofophi- cal,