Bates - BT825 B37 1683

on DEATH. cal Morality, that forbids Vice as contrary to Reafon, and corn- Tends Vertue as the chief orna- ment and perfetion of humane Nature,without a regard topleafe and glorify God. And Divine Love is the Prin- cipleof Univerfal Holinefs. Love is called thefulfilling of the Law, as 'tis a comprehenfiveGrace,&as it draws forth all the aetive powers of the Soul to do God's Will in an exat manner. Univetfal O- bedience is the exercife of Love in various instances. As theSpode in the Song of Solomon is trans- form'd in divers Reprefentati- ens ; fometimes as a Sifterform- times as a Warriour, fonietimes as the keeper ofa Vineyard, but the al- ways aced as a Lover, and her cheif bulinefs was to pleafe her Beloved. This Allegorical de- kriptiori of the Church, fgnifies that 107