Bates - BT825 B37 1683

150 S E &MONS dom and other excellent Attri- butes ofthe Deity, his Miracles lo great, numerous, open, andbene-, ficial, not meetly to furprize the Spe6tators withaí+onifhment,but to touch their Hearts ; his Death foretold by the Prophets, and ex- aaly agreeing in all the circum- {lances of the Predi %ons ; his Refurretion the molt noble ope- ration of the Divine Power, are the flrongefl Proofs that what he has reveal'd as the Counlel of God for our Redemption, and the Preparations of Glory for the Saints inHea'en,are divineTruths: And the efficacy of the Spirit of Chriff in fandifying his Difciples in all Ages, is a continual and as f atisfying an Argument that the Gofpel is derived fromGod the fountain of Truth, as extraordi- nary Miracles. For Fiolinefs' is as of eparable a property ofthe Di- vine