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upon DE AT H. iS7 Now in three things I (hall propound theduty ofdyingChri= flians. 1. To fubmit to the Divine Pleafure with refigned fpirits,,as to the means, the manner, and time ofDeath. God has a Sove- reign Right and Dominion over us. The prefent Life is his mof free Favour, and he may July refume it when he pleafes. His Will fhould be the firf1 and Taft Rule of ours. Whether hegent- ly untwines the Band ofLife, or violently breaks it, we mutt pla- cidly, without relutation, yield up our (elves. By what means foever Death comes, all fecond caufes are moved by an impref- lion from above, in what Age of Life (Dever, all our times are ap- pointed by the divine Counlel And a Saint ought with thatrea- dineSs and fubmion receive it, as