Bates - BT825 B37 1683

58 SEXM0NS as if he heard an exprefs Voice fromHeaven callinghim to God, and fay in his heart with Samuel, .Mere I am, thou didft call me. This is the laft as of our obedience, ;t Ille exerit and very pleafing to God. We gladiul,Z, ilde read ofthe marvelous* Content cervicem, ii- vo voto, una of Abraham and his Ion Ifaac, the devotionc : Father tooffer up his Son, and the diflub rant° non camhmnra- Son his Life, ( that were both the nitatis, fed gifts of God) in compliance with p°ties naturæ the divine Command, and from tpfiuf inetu, lceti flint_ Heaven he declared his high ap- probation of it. This is to make a vertue of neceflity, and turn 1,ature into Grace. But difcontent and re- lutancy, as ifour Lives were our own, and taken from us unjufR- ly or uniéalonably, is rebellious unthankfulnefs , unbecoming a Creature, much more a true Chri- fban, who exchanges a perifhing life for that which is eternal. 2. To