Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon DE/VT x. 159 2. To receive Death not only withPatience, but earn& defires . to be with Chriíi. I know Death is naturally unwelcome. Our Sa- viour tells St. Peter, When thou art old, another (hall bind thee, and lead John 21.41. thee where thou wouldeft l not : Signi- fying his Martyrdom. The cir- secutrs corpore vale- cumi$ance [ when thou art old is bat effe remarkable and intimates the na- Chrifto, fed f feri pofft turai unwillingnefs to die, when parr there was little time to live. But nzole4irtm. Nolens his rational tanaified Will was earn vcniad t, fuperiour and prevalent. The fed voleas univerfal defire of the Saints is to Aug. e vic`t. be happy in the pretence of God. Spa . for the Divine Nature communi- cated to them is intelligent and inclining towards its chiefgood : and if the obtaining it, were not by being uncloatbed, but clothed upon by an imediate trapElation to Hea- ven, how willingly would they leave this World ? But there is a