Bates - BT825 B37 1683

SEMONS quences of ir. And when the Evil is apprehended as iniupera- ble and indeclinable, all endea-. scam. yours to efcape are cut ofd Wh"a.t maimfine a Philolopher oblerves of an maim etfitgio. 1arthquake,cornpared withother deftrutive Evils, is true in this cafe. There may be a fate re- treat from Fire, from Inundati- ons, from Storms, from War, from Peflilence, but an Earth- quake affonif ies with fo violent a perturbation that flops our "nkrflight from the imminent dan er. pércii- o 4it So the vehement impre,ons of fear from the approaches of death, and the revere executions - upon the Sinner after it, diffraas the mind,' and difables from fyy, In from,' the Wrath to come. There . Fears are' more heavy by the rug- geffions of Satan, who reprefents hod fo terrible in his Majefty; inexorable in his Jufice and dread-