Bates - BT825 B37 1683

41 SEMONS fpair is without edg and induff.ry. TheSoul fullers the hardef+ Bon- dage, and the condition is ìnex-. preifibly fad under the tyranfiy. of this Fear. O how enthral- led, how defolately miferable for defpair doth meritorioufly and effe&wally ruin the Soul. For whereas there is no Attribute more Divine, no clearer Notion of the Deity than Love and Mer- cy ; this Paton difparages his Mercy, as if Sin were more om- nipotent, than his Power to par- don ; and all the Tears that flow from it, are fo far from expiating,. that they encreafe Guilt : and whereas the believing view of Chrifit would as compleatly and prefently recover the Soul-woun- ded Sinner, as the Ifaelites were by looking to the ordained vif -. ble Signof their Salvation ; De- lp-air turns away the Eye from our