Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon DEATH. World, inwhom fence was pre- dominant, that defpifed the Ora- . ele, and trembled at no Tudg- ments but what were acting on the vifible Stage, they eat an drank, married, and were 'ier in marriage, till fwept away by the unfeared Inundatiónë We read that Lot being certified by an embally of Angels, that a Deluge of Fire would in a few hours pour down from Heaven upon Sodom, he moft earnefrly folicited his Sons-in-Law, Al*, depart out of this place, for the Lord will defiroy this City : but they en- tertained his compaonate ad- vice with derifion,, he fiemed to them az one that mocked, and were furprifed by thole fearful Flames that dilpatch'd them from a tem- poral Hell to that which is Eter- nal. Thus 'twas prophefied That in the laß digs there all 'come E, 2 Scofieri