Bates - BT825 B37 1683

14pon DEATH. Death, the Soul is ftrongly exci- ted by the Call of God to review its fzate, and make folemn pre- paration . to be found of him in Peace. But 'tis not in a aria fence the maledition of the Law,' and divine Revengeupon them. The Serpent is turn'd into a Rod of ,web. 12. Corre6tion in the hands of our Heavenly Father for their good. As the Apo(+le, ípeaking of forcie that for their profaning the Lord's Table, were fallen afleep, Cor.r0.33. adds, that when we are judg'd, we are chafened of the Lord, that we way not be condemned with the World. A Believer hall not be hurt of the Rev. 2. fecond Death. From hence it is, that in the Book of Life, the Scriptures, the death of the Saints is cal- I The, 414 led a fleep. St. Paul argues, If we believed that .¡efrzs died and rofe again ; even f o them afo that Jeep 59