Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual PerfeElion. CHAP. VIL The Power ofFaith, to overcome all that is oppojite to our Salvation. A Speculative Affent to Supernatural Truths is not Saving. The Efficacy of Faith againi the Temptations of the World, proceeds from the Nature of its Objects, and the degrees of Affent, and the frequent ap- plication of them to our Hearts. There is an incomparable difference between the good andevil things that are prefent, and thole that are future. The Evidence and Importance, of future good things, and our interefl in them, fixes our Affent, andmakes it effeltual. yuflifying Faith confider'd in its Nature and Purifying Virtue. Faith in the difbofals ofDivine Providence, is a Fundamental Principle from whence many Pratlical Confequences are derived. The Heathens had very difparagingConceits ofGod's Providence. The Scripture declares that nothing hap- pensp without the Knowledge, the Willi either permi /ve or approving, and the Ordering Providence of God. This is very influential to theLives of Men. 4. TWill now Confider the Power and j Efficacy of Faith, to overcome all t hat is oppofite to our Salvation. .17t