Bates - BT766 B3 1699

171 Spiritual .Perfec`lion. I (hall premife, there is a common delufion, that has a pernicious Influence into theMinds and Lives of many : that thofe are true Believers, who yield a dry and barren Affent to the Myfteries of the Gofpel, without the praaical Belief of them. They do not foment and autho- rife doubts by the pretence of Reafon, nor excite revolts in their Minds, and entertain ObjeEions againft fupernatural Truths ; but they never felt the fpirit and power ofFaith in raifing them above the low defcents of Carnal Minds, and fet- ting their Affeaions on things above. The Love of the prefent World, like a ftupifying Wine, caufes in them a for- getfulnefs of Heaven, and that which is the moff dangerous Idolatry in the fight of God, is feated in their Hearts. The Underffanding fubmits to divine Reve- lation, but the VVill is Rebellious againft the divine Commands. They believe what is neceflary tobelieve, but not what is neceffary to do. They are fatisfied with a fpeculative Faith, that coffs no- thing, and will go with them to Hell, for theDevils believe fupernatural Truths. They are rich in the Notions of Faith, but poor in the Precepts of Obedience. Now in the Languageof Scripture, fair- ing Faith and knowledge ofdivine things ark produE ive of fuch Affeaions and ASions