Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per fea on. raviflh'd with Divine Delights that over- come all the Pleafures of Sin. There are, for our caution, recorded in Scrip- ture, two fearful Examples of the in- chanting Power of Luft. Sampfon in- ticed by his Luft, became a voluntary llave to a wretched Harlot , that firft quench'd the Light of his Mind, and then the Light of his Body, and expos'd him to the cruel fcorn of his Enemies. Solompn by indulging his fenfual Appe- tite loft his Wifdom, and was induced by his Idolatrous Concubines, to adore Stocks and Stones; and became as very an Idol as thofe he worfhip'd, that have Eyes and fee not, Ears and hear not : He rebell'd againft God, whohad made him the richeft and wifeft King in the World, and miraculoufly revealed his Goodnefs to him. Dreadful Confequence of Sen- fuality ! 5. There is a fpecial Reafon that makes the recovery of the fenfual to So- briety andPurity, to be almoft impofli- ble. The internal Principle of Repen- tance, is the inlightened Confcience, re- flexingupon part Sins, with heart-break- ing forrow and deteftation. This is de- clared by God concerning iifrael ; Then Ezek. 36. 3r, fhall ye remember your evil ways, andyour doings not good, and (hall loathyour felves C 2 in 9