Bates - BT766 B3 1699

i S Spiritual Perfefi iorn. the Spirit in Man were for no other life, but to animate the organs of Intempe- rance and Luft, they follow their Plea- fures with greedinefs. 'Tis Paid of the young Man, enticed by the flatteries of the Harlot, that he goes after her like an Ox crown'd with Garlands, that infenfi- bly goes to be facrific'd. He looks to the prefent Pleafure , without confidering the Infamy, the Poverty, the Difeafes, 1vox d7 tenor the Deathand Damnation, that are the madrnque,nua- uft confequents of his Sin. The fen - moderabilefua- l' dent. rdla pn- foal are fecure : The effeEs of Carnal done caret, ti Lofts were vifible in the darknefs of ber amorgi e meta. Ovid. Heathenifm. Lulls alienates the thoughts and de- fires of thz Soul from Converfe with God : His Juftice makes him terrible to the Confcience , and Holinefs diftaffful to the Affeaions of the unclean. We read of the Ifraelites, they were fo gree- dy of the Onions and Garlick,' and Flefh- pots of Egypt , that they defpifed the Food of Angels ; the Manna that drop'd from Heaven. Till the Soul be defecate from the dregs of Senfe, and refirid to an Angelick Temper, it can never taue how good the Lord is, and will not for- fake fenfual Enjoyments. The conver- lion of the Soul proceeds from the in lightened Mind, and the renewed Will, ravifh'd