Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfeíion. i Spirit ¡hall not always firive with Man, for he is Flefb) ; and after fo defjierate a forfeiture , they are feldom redeemed and releafed from the Chains of Dark. nefs wherein they are bound. Accor- dingly Solonson frequently repeats this Obfervation ; The orange Woman flatters with her words : Her houfe inclines to the dead, and her paths to thedead. None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the path of Life. The mouth of a flrange Woman is a deep pit : he that is abhorred of the Lord (hall irrecoverably fall therein. If it be faid, that this reprefentation of the deplorable ¡fate of the unclean, Items to cut off all hopes of their re- claiming. and Salvation, and may induce Defpair. I anfwer, with our Saviour, in ano' titer inftance, With Men it is impoffi'ble, Mark zo. 27. andnot with God; for with God all things are pofjible. He can open and cleanfe, adorn and beautifie, the molt obf1inate and impure Heart. He can, by omni- potent Grace, change a Brutifh Soul into an Angelick, and plant a Divine Nature, that abhors and efcapes the .3 ruption in 2 Pet. z. q.. the World through Luft. Notwithftand- ing the Severity of the Threatning, yet the Divine Mercy and Grace has been C 3 exer-