Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual .derfeHion: and degrees depend upon the humours of the Body that are mutable, are forme- times with force and violence carried to their Objeas but when the difpofition of the Body is altered, they flag, and diftafts fucceed : But the root and prin- ciple of Covetoufnefs is, in the Will ; and when that is depraved,.:'tis diaboli cal in obftinacy. The mo fierce and greedy Beafts, when they have glutted their ravenous Appetites , do not pre- fently feek after new prey ; but Cove- cre¡centem fe toufnefs, like a Dropfìe-thirft is inflamed qucunitar iam cur ma by drinking, and inrag'd by increafing rumque fames. Riches. And whereas other vicious de- fires are weakened and broke by tra& of rime, Covetoufnefs derives new life and vigour from age. The thoughts and af- fe&ions of the Covetous are never more deeply tainted with the Earth , than when they draw near to their fatal pe- riod, and their Bodies muff be refolved into their original Elements. 2. The difficulty of the Cure is evi- dent from the inefficacy of the means ufed to effe it. The Divine Authority of the Scripture , the cleareft Reafon , the plaineff Experience, are often ufed in vain to reform the Covetous. Of a thoufand Perfous, in whomCovetoufnefs is the regent L,ue, fcarce ten are cleanfed gnd frQrrl- covetous to be liberal, I. The