Bates - BT766 B3 1699

48 Spiritual Ferfeíion. of God. Now the pnffeffion of the whole World, is of no advantage to `ward the obtaining future Happinefs : Nay, it deprives Men of Heaven, both as the love of the World binds their 1-Íands from the exercifè of Charity; and as it alienates. their Hearts from the love of God. Theprefent World cannot afford Per feaion or SatisfaEion to an immortal Spirit. i. Not Perfeaion. The Underftanda ing is the higheff Faculty in Man, and raifes him above the order of fènfible Creatures ; and this is exceedingly deba:- fed by over-valuing Earthly things. In deed Senfe and Fancy, that cannot judge aright of Objeas and Anions , if they ufurp the Judgment-feat , the Riches of this World appear very goodly and in- eftimable. There is no Tuft more de- grades the eternal Soul of Man from the nobility of its Nature, than Covetouf- nefs : For the Mind is denominated and qualified from the Obje&s, upon which it is converfant. Now when Mens thoughts are groveling on the Earth, as if there were no (park of Heaven in them, when their main defigns and con- trivances are to amafs Riches; they be- come Earthly, and infinitely fall fhort of their original and end, 2. itiches