Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual PerféHiort. according to the two properties of Pride, to exalt themfelves, and deprefs others. r. Spiritual Pride is diicinguif;'d. from Moral, as it more direaly and immedi.. ately difhonours God. 'Tis true, Pride is the Poifon of everySin ; for in tranf grelfing the Divine Law, Men preferr the pleating their corrupt Wills and de- prayed Appetites, before the obeying the . fovereign and holy Will of God : But in force Sins there is a more immediate . and explicit contempt of God, and efpetl. cially in Pride. Sins of this nature ev ceedingly provoke and kindle his Dii. pleafure. 1. When Men prefume upon a Pelf fufficiency of Counfèl , or Power , or Riches, toobtain their ends. This Sin was charged upon Senacherib ; I will nifh the fruit of the proud Heart of the Ding ofAffynia, and the glory of his high looks : For he faith, By the flrengthof my Hand Ihave done it, and by my WI' fdom I am prudent. The Folly is equal to the Impiety ; as 'tis exprefs'd by the Pro -. phet, Shall the Axe boat again; him that hervs with it ? Or the Sand magni f e him feif again; him that fhaketh it ? Thus God fpeaks to Pharaoh King of Egypt ; Behold I am again; thee, the great Dragon that lyes in the midit of his waters, which Paid, my River is mine own, (O blaf- phe er ') de iáa