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NOW OR NEVER. 187 Question 1 0. Can I do no more, that have so much help? that have mercies of all sorts encouraging me, anJ creatures attending me ; that have health to enable me, or affliction to remember and excite me; that have such a master, such a work, such a reward? who is less excusable for neglect than I? Q·ttestion 11. Could I do no more, if I were sure that my salvation lay on this one duty? that, according to this prayer, it should go with me for ever? or if the soul of my child, or servant, or neighbour, must speed for ever, as my endeavours speed with them now for their conversion? For ought I know, it may be thus. By this time you may see what difference there is between the judgment of God and of the world; and what to think of the understandings of those men, be they high or low, learned or unlearned, who hate or oppose this holy diligence. God bids us love, and seek, and serve him, with all our heart, and soul, and might: and these men call them Zealots and Puritans that endeavour it; though, alas! they fall exceedingly short, when they have done their best. It is one of the most wonderful, monstrous deformities that ever befell the nature of man; that men, learned men-that men who in other things are wise, should seriously think that the utmost diligence to obey the Lord, and save our souls, is needless ; and that ever they should take it for a crime, and make it a matter of reproach: that the serious, diligent obeying of God's laws, should be the matter of the common disdain and hatred of the world. It is not in vain that the Holy Ghost saith, "Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you;" implying, that we are apt to marvel at it; as I confess I have oft and greatly done. Methinks, it is so wonderful a plague and stain in nature, that it cloth very much to confirm me of the truth of Scripture; of the doctrine of man's fall and origin-