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THE UNCONVERTED. 67 kingdom of Christ before them." Matt. xxi. 31. Not that a harlot or gross sinner can be saved without conversion; but because it was easier to make these gross sinners p"rceive their sin and misery, and the necessity of a change, than the more civil sort, who delude themselves by thinking that they are converted already, when they are not. 0 sirs, conversion is another kind of work than most are aware of. It is not a small matter to bring an earthly mind to heaven, and to show man the amiable excellencies of God, till he be taken up in such love to him that can never be quenched; to break the heart for sin, and makeliim fly for refuge to Christ, and thankfully embrace him as the life of his soul; to have the very drift and bent of the heart and life changed; so that a man renounceth that which he took for his felicity, and placeth his felicity where he never did before; and lives not to the same end, and drives not on the same design in the world, as he formerly did. In a word, he tha~ is in Christ is a "new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new." 2. Cor. v. 17. He bath a new understanding, a new will and resolution, new sorrm,vs, and desires, and love, and delight; new thoughts, new speeches, new company, (ifpossible,) and a new conversation. Sin, that before was a jesting matter with him, is now so odious and terrible to him, that he flies from it as from death. The world, that was so lovely in his eyes, cloth now appear but as vanity and vexation: God, that was before neglected, is now the only happiness of his soul: before he was forgotten, and every lust preferred before him, but now he is set next the heart, and all things must give place to him; the heart is taken up in the attendance and observance of him, is grieved when he hides his face, and.never thinks itselfwell without him. Christ himself, that was wont to be slightly thought of; is now his only hope and refuge, and he lives upon him ~on his daily bread; he cannot pray without him,