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The PREFACE. Churches intoan 4fciation of many Churches, and to be but Chappels or parts of the Diocefan Church (that their power and wealth might he enlarged with their Territories) and the turningof Arbitrating Bi- fbsps into the Common Judicatures, which mangovern all Chr, ftians, andfuch like, whichpoyfned the Church, and turned the!Pules ofpar.. Ocular Churches, Epifcopacy, Presbytery and Difcipline, quite into ano- ther thing. And to fpeak freely, it was the manyblind volumesand confident clamours offorce men, that rail at us, as denyinganEpifcopa- cy, which the univerfal Church hathalways agreed in, whichdrewme to write this abridgement of the ChurchHforyof Bifbops, Councils and Popes. Ill And thofe that maketheIgnorant believe thatfditieus difobedient Presbyters have inall Ages been thedividersof the Church, and the Bi- (hops the meansof Vnity, concordand f pprelon oflimbSchfmaticks and Hereticks, could never thus deceive the people, were but fo much Church-Rory commonlyknown, asIhavehere colleiled. Read Church- Rifleryand believe that,ifyou can. Y And many that take up any new opinion or dotagewhich isbut newly broached among them, would havebeen favedfrom it, if they lad but known how that fame opinion or the like, was long ago taken up by Hereticks, andexplodedby thefaitbfid Pallor! and people ofthe Church. VI. And thefehiaries who rafhly fiperatefromfonce. Churches, be- caufe of. f me forms, opinions or ceremonies, whichalmnf all Chri flians on earth haveufed, in the former purer ages, andAll ufe, would be more cauteloua and fearful in examining their grounds, and would hardly venture to. f pesatefrom. anyChurch for that,which on the f me reafinwould move them to fiparate from almof all Chrflians in the whole world 5 if net Zinchurch the Church of Chrin : And ancient erreurs andcrimes would affright usfrom imitatingthem. VII. And theft that make new ambiguous words or unneceffirypra- aices to become necef fary toChurch Communion, and hereticate all that difr from them, or perfeeute them at leaf, would he more frightened from filch pernicious courts, if they well knew what have been the ef- fePís of them heretofore. VII. And it is not unufefiel toPrinces andMagifirates tofee what bath corrupted anddifurbed the Churches infirmer times and what cattle' theyhave to keep thefècular power from the Clergies hands, and to vane thole thatfor knowledge andpiety are meet for their properguid- ing office, andof of the ChurchKeys :. but not : to corrupt them lyex- c'e/