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Church-Hiftory- I _ OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BISHOPS AND THEIR COUNCIL S ABBREVIATED. Including the chiefpart of the Government of Chriflian Princes and PORES, and a true account of themoll troublingControverfies and Herefies till the R E F O R M A T J O N Written for the ufe efpeciallyof them : I. Who ire tgnórantor mifinformed of the ftatc of the Antient Churches. II. Who cannot read many and great Volumes. Who think that the Univerfal Church muff have one Vifible Sove- raign, Perfonal or Co11edive, Pope or General Councils. IV. who would know whether Patriarchs, Diocefans, and their Councils, have been,or muff be the cureof Herefies and Schifines. V. Whowould know the truthabout the great, Herefies whichhave divided the Chriftian world, efpecially the Donatifts, Novatianr, Arrians, Mace- doniani, Nefforians, aye/tins, Monothelites, tic. Ey 1i Ì C FI A'RDBAXTER, à Hater of falfe Hiítory: LONDON: Printed by P. Griffin, and are to be Sold by 7bomas Simmonsat the Princes Arms in Ludgate-Street, and John Kidgell at the Atlas in Cornbil near theRoyal Exchange. MDCLXXX.

28 42 13 3.5

THE PREFACE. THE great ufeefulnefs of Hifiory needs not many words to prove it, f eing natural inclination it felf is fòmuch for it, andreafonand experience tellmen, that they cannot/pare it, as to Natural, Civil, or Religiousafe. God himfelfhath .highly com- inendedit tous, by writing the SacredScripturesfimach H f orically 9 yeaand making fame of it part ofthe nece7ryArticles of our Creed. Children that yet underhand not the Do/lrinalpart of the Bible, do quickly take delight in the Hifloricalpart 5 which prepareth them for the ref Ignorant and ungodly perfons that have no trite feenfe of Sacred Dodrine, can yet underfland and with lef averfnefi and marine's' read the h f ory. Melancholy and fad perfons who can hardly bear long Do5drinal "ladies , are often eafed and recreated with ufeefd Hiflory. Man is a part of the Úniverfe, andevery man is a part of the worldof mankind, and therefore thivkgth the cafe of the whole to be much ofhis concerne. And were not narrow feffbnes muchof oar Pravity, we fbould take the univerfal and public( good, and Gods Love to it andPleafednef and Glory in it, to be mach more our end, and the objeli of our defire and delight, than any perfoonal felicity of our own g It is a Mother of inhumanity in the Dotirineofthe Sad- ducees, Sp.inofa, Hobbes, and their bruitifb followers, that they fet up Individual fe f interefi as a mans chiefefl end -and objeïl of rational Love and deßre7 and own vo Good, but that which Rela- tively is Good to me, that is, either my perforallife and pleafureas theend, or other things as ameans- thereto : Though Grace only f ving- ly cure this bate inhumane maladie, yet common reafon bearcthwit- nef againft it, and only fenfe, and reafon captivated by feì f do pa- tronize it. Put not the quefion to a reajánable man, though wicked, what he can do or Both But what in reafon,he íhorld do, and he cannotdeny bat that hefrould thinkoffa more excellent pérfonat the Indies, that never will do anything far-hinr, asmorea;wwiable than him- /el A 2 E

The P REFACE, flf, much more many thoulards filch And as Goodnefs and Ami- ablenefsare all one, fo that which is bell, fhould be loved belt : And he that would not die to faze his,Country is worfe than fiber Heathens mere. And he that would not rather be annihilated than all or halfe the world fbould be annihilated, isfo bafely felfb, that I jbouldfeoner believe that analogical Reafn ruleth f me bruites , than that true Reafen determineth this mans choice. Spinofa táketh the Knowledge of our Unionwith Univerfal nature(which he calleth Ged) to be mansperfection andhischiefgood, in cemparifon of which f njual Pleafure, Riches and Honour are but troublesfurther then they are a meanes hereto : And if he had bet- ter known God , as the Creator and Governour and end of the ma- terial Vniverfe which he took to be God , and had jayned [holy Uniteing Joyful Love to the Univerfe , and fpecially to the Heavenly Society, and above them all to God himfelf] unto this Knowledge, and extended it to the perpetuity ofan Immertal f ate, he had been happily in the right, which miffing, he became apernicious feducer ofhimfelf andothers. But thus nature and Grace do loudly tell us, that each part fhould be greatly concerned for the whole, and therefore every one ßmuld dfre to know as much of the whole, as he is capable, and as tendeth to his duty and delight. And how(mall a parcel ofTime, or Men, or A&ions are prefint or in our daies ? How little knoweth he that knoweth no more than le hat h lived to fie? What Religion can be have whoknoweth not the Hifiary of Creation, Redemption or the giving of the Holy Ghofl, or the planting and 'propagating the Church, andalfa what will be when this life is ended? But it is not all Riflery that is needful or ufeful to as : There are many things done which we are not concerned to be acquainted with. But the Riflery of the Church, ofthe propagation of the Chriftian faith, and what the Do&rive was that was then received, and how it was pratfid, promoted and defended, and how it was corrupted invaded and perfeecuted, is of fo great ufe to pofterity, that next to the Scriptureand the illuminationof Gods Spirit, I remember no- thing more needful to beknown. When Philip Nerius fit uphis Oratorian exercifis at Rome, as to win the people, they found itnece[ry to nfe large afelionate ex- tensperate prayers and expolitionsandSermons, fo thenext thing found ref e,au was, to bejlow conflantly one exercife in opening (hurch-Hif}o- ry

The PREFACE. intoawoodof Iliflory, that there they mayeither win thegame. orend the chafe : Andif a Minifler of Chrifl be not armedhere, toconfute their h. ioricalforgeries, they will take it for a s.viaory and triumph, which made me write my lull book againft Johnfon (or Terret) to ThemHi- flcricaily the Antiquity of ourChurch, and the noveltyof theirs (which I could with young Miniflers unacquaintedwithChurch-1102y would penile.) But i f ourpeople were tritely acquaintedhow things have gone in the Churchfrom the beginning, it wouldbe ore of the moll eleblual, prefer-- vàtives againftPopery, when now thefal tfications arebecome itsftrength. I have oft thought that it had beengreater policy inthe Pap? s, if they could, to have burnt all Church-Hillery, but *daily of the Councils, that the credit might have depended on their bare word: For verily once reading ofCrab, Binnius, Surius, or Nicolinuswould turnagainfl them any ftomack,that is not confirmedin theirown difiaj. Butthey have overdone Baronius, and nowmade f great and coltly a load of the Councils, as that the deficiency of money, time, wit and patient induftry, Jhallfave the moll even ofthe Priefihoedfrom the underfiand- ing of the truth : And finchEpitomes as Caranza's leave out molt of the culpable part: and yet even filch they can hardly tolerate. IL The more moderate FrenchPapifts who magnifieCouncils aboue Popes, would manezts believe,that though Popes arefallible andmaymif. carry,yetGeneralCouncils,have been the univerfalChurch-reprefentative; which have aLegiflative and udicial Vniverfal power, and that our concord muff beby centring in their decrees 5 and allare Schifmaticksat leaf, that taAe not their Faith and Religion upon their tru : But if men knew that there never was a General Council of all the Chriflian Churches but only of the Empire, andhow wofidly they have milarried, it woulddomuch tofave themfrom all fnch temptations. III. The overvaluers ofChurch grandure, and .,wealth, andmain- tainers -of the corruptfort of biocefane Prelacy, Patriarks, &c.. write books and tell the ignorant confident flories, how limb aPrelacy bath been in the Church ever (,nce the dayes of theApo, Rtes, and that allthe Churches on earth contented to it: But ifthe people wereacquainted with Church-Hfiery theywould know, that the primitivefixcdEpifropacywas \ Parochial, or every Church affociated for per(onal prefent Conmu nion hada Bi(hop,Pre(byteryandDeacons of their own: (urfrxed Itinerant GeneralPafiors ,indefnitely takingcareofmanyChurches):And that it was the Bifbopsftrivingwhofhould begreatefl, andturningfingle Churches

The PREFACE. Churches intoan 4fciation of many Churches, and to be but Chappels or parts of the Diocefan Church (that their power and wealth might he enlarged with their Territories) and the turningof Arbitrating Bi- fbsps into the Common Judicatures, which mangovern all Chr, ftians, andfuch like, whichpoyfned the Church, and turned the!Pules ofpar.. Ocular Churches, Epifcopacy, Presbytery and Difcipline, quite into ano- ther thing. And to fpeak freely, it was the manyblind volumesand confident clamours offorce men, that rail at us, as denyinganEpifcopa- cy, which the univerfal Church hathalways agreed in, whichdrewme to write this abridgement of the ChurchHforyof Bifbops, Councils and Popes. Ill And thofe that maketheIgnorant believe thatfditieus difobedient Presbyters have inall Ages been thedividersof the Church, and the Bi- (hops the meansof Vnity, concordand f pprelon oflimbSchfmaticks and Hereticks, could never thus deceive the people, were but fo much Church-Rory commonlyknown, asIhavehere colleiled. Read Church- Rifleryand believe that,ifyou can. Y And many that take up any new opinion or dotagewhich isbut newly broached among them, would havebeen favedfrom it, if they lad but known how that fame opinion or the like, was long ago taken up by Hereticks, andexplodedby thefaitbfid Pallor! and people ofthe Church. VI. And thefehiaries who rafhly fiperatefromfonce. Churches, be- caufe of. f me forms, opinions or ceremonies, whichalmnf all Chri flians on earth haveufed, in the former purer ages, andAll ufe, would be more cauteloua and fearful in examining their grounds, and would hardly venture to. f pesatefrom. anyChurch for that,which on the f me reafinwould move them to fiparate from almof all Chrflians in the whole world 5 if net Zinchurch the Church of Chrin : And ancient erreurs andcrimes would affright usfrom imitatingthem. VII. And theft that make new ambiguous words or unneceffirypra- aices to become necef fary toChurch Communion, and hereticate all that difr from them, or perfeeute them at leaf, would he more frightened from filch pernicious courts, if they well knew what have been the ef- fePís of them heretofore. VII. And it is not unufefiel toPrinces andMagifirates tofee what bath corrupted anddifurbed the Churches infirmer times and what cattle' theyhave to keep thefècular power from the Clergies hands, and to vane thole thatfor knowledge andpiety are meet for their properguid- ing office, andof of the ChurchKeys :. but not : to corrupt them lyex- c'e/

The PREFACE. ref of worldly wealth and power, nor to permit them by f riving, who fall feem GREATEST, WISEST and BEST, to become the incendiaries of the Church and world, and the perferutors of the belt that cannot fërve their worldliu:ef and pride. TheReader muff Note, i. That though muchof the Hory'be taken fromothers, the Councils are named andnumbred according to Binnius and Crabbe : 2.And that becaufe lb much evil is neceffarily recited, I thought it needful in the beginning and end to annexa defence of the Paftors and their office and work, left any f ould be tempted to think hardly of Religionand theChurchfor mew abufes. 3. And if Micre- lius, Gutlerbeth, Phili Pareus, Funcius, Cation, Melan&hon, Bu- chotzer,Scultetus,Pezelius,Helvicus, oranyotherthat Ihavefeen, had anfwered the ends which Ihere intend, IJbeuld havegladlyPaved myfelf this labour andhave refer'd the reader to them. TheCouncils are nowpublifbed voluminoufly, and many youngfiudents want money and time to read them at large. Tofuch this abridgement may not be unufeful efpecially to men that have maken the cafeof the great hereffes and hereticators, and would knowwhatPrelacy andCoun- cils have done to the concord or difiordof the Churches. The Deferip= tion oftheState of Alexandria recited in the beginning asa Letterfrom a.friend, wasfrom Mr.Clerkfon aLearnedandworthy Minifer (though ftlenced) now inLondon. TheLord pardon and heal our common faultinefs, and give better Teachers to his Churches when we are dead and gone, who will take warning by all our errours and mifcarriages, efpecially to efeapea weirdly fpirit,pride,Church- tyranny andfchifm, and feerving the world, thefell" and the Devil, by pretence of AuthorityfromChriff. Amen. March31. í680. London; What

What Hiftory is Credible, and what not A s the Holy Ghofi faith, Believe not everyfpirit; I may fay, Believe not all Reports, or Hiflory. It was not only Ahab: Prophets, in whole mouths Satan wasa lying fyirit : As lying and deceiving is his work in the world, for the defiroyingofHolinefs, and ofSouls, even when he turneth himfeif into an Angel of Light; fo is it the work of his Minifters, when they'feemtobe Minihers of Righteoufnefs; when it is oft Paid (Be nöt de- eeived) and [Letno mandeceive you with vainwords ;] it is more neceliary . ad- vile,and hardlier followed, than moll men underftand. As Truth is Gods means to work the will to holy love, and lead us in aholy life, fo Lying is the Devilsmeans to oppofe them : andof all Lyars, none are more pernicious than lying Aifiorians, and lying Preachers. It is a fad perplexity to the world, that when men read and hear, even the more confident and plaufible Hi- álories and Reports, they know not whether they are trueor falfe; and if they believe that tobe true which isnot, the effeei is worfe than this per- plexity. Iwill tell you what! take to be credible, and what not. I. It is prefuppoled that a man muff believe his fenfes, if found, about their proper objec9rs: Papifis that tell us that all mens fenfes are deceived, when they Item toperceive Bread and one in the Sacrament, do but tell us that no man then is to be believed, and therefore not they then felves. II. The Hiflory of the Gofpel iscertainly credible, becaufe it was con- firmed by multitudes ofuncontrouled Miracles wrought byChrifi, and by his Apofiles, and multitudes of Chriílíans ; as the Doeirine it felf beareth the Image and Superfcriptionof God. III. The Prophets that had Divine Infpiratiòn and Vifìon, had that Evi- dence which gave themfelves a certainty, though not toothers. 1V. When Hiflory delivereth a matter of fact and fenfe, by the com- mon content of all men that knew it, thoùgh of contraryminds, difpoG- tions, and interdis. it giveth us a certainty which may be called Natural; becaufe Nature hath nothing in it thatcould ca.ufe fuch aConfpiracy in Ly- ing : That it is fo credible as tobe a Natural certainty, that there is inch a place as Rome, Parris, Jerufalem; that the Statutes of the Land are not For- geries, while all Contenders plead them agaìnli each other, and hold by them their Eftates and Lives: And fo that there was filch a Perlon as Jefits Chrifi, and that the Scriptures were written by the Prophetsand Apo- des, &c. V. when the Hifloryof any perfon and aflion isproved by continued or vifible effeeis as that 1Villim.ot of N.rnandy conquered England, while fo manyof the effeés of that Conquer in our Laws and Culloms are frill viti- ble : And that the Welfn were the Ancient Britain!, driven by the Saxonsin. to Wales, while their Language Habitation, &c. fhew it.: And fo thut Chrift inflituted Baptifin, and Church-Communion, and theApoliles Ie- a pirated

parated the Lords Day for holy worfhip, when the Chriflian World bath ufcd all thefe publickly in all places everfince, anlldodl ll life them And fo that Temples were built for holyworfhip, and endowed, when we Rill fee andpoffcfs them. VI. That Hiftory is credible which confentingly fpeaketh agáinfl the known intereli of the Author; for mans corrupt nature is apter to falfe boafting, than to falle Confeffions of Sin ; againft a Confeffor there needs noWitneffes : And this is much of the credibility of the harlhér part of the Church-Hiftory which I here recite } What I fay of the finifcarriages of Bifhops and Councils, ismoftly in their own words; and what I fay againft Popes, is but the recital of what is laid by the greateft D.fenders or Flat- terers of Popes : I give-you- sad Reportsagainft the pride, contentions and. corruptions of Patriarchs and Prelates, out of the fuppofed Hereticks, or Proteftants ; I give you not a word out of Luther (who de Conciliis) hath verymuch ; and efpecially fpeaketh much like as I heredo of Cyril and Nefforius ; nor out of Illyricus his Catalogua `IefliumVeritatis, nor out of the Magdeburgenfes, Ofiander,Sleidan , Carien, Melanlibon, Mornay's Myflery of Iniquity, no not out of the Colle&ions of Goldaftus,Marquardoes, Freherus, ?tuberus, Piflcrius, &c. But the fubfiance of the common Hiftory is taken out of the commonly received Church-Hiftorians (Eufebius, Socrates, Sozo- eene, Cafodarus, Theodorite, Faefnus, Ev.ogrius, Nazianzen, Hieraus, Villar, Nicephorur, Leberatus, Mcetas, and fuch others; and the fam of the Coun- cils and Popes is out of Baranius, Anaflafius, but mot"( outof Binnius,and Pla- tina, and }Eneaa Sylvius (a Pope,) Petardee, and filch other as are the greateft Papal Zealots: When theft fpeak for their Calife, I leave you to guff fufpition ; but when they fpeak againfl it, by way of confellìon or la- mentation, they are not to be fitfpeded. VIL The next degree of credibility dependethon theVeracity or credi- ble titnefs of the Reporter ; force men are much more credible thanothers; For infiance. a. One that was upan the place, and fans what was done, or- lived near, where he had full information, is (ceteris paribus) more credible than one that followeth uncertain reports, or hear-fay. 2. Awife man is much more credible than a proud felt-conceited Confi- dent Fool, 3. One that bathmade a matter his long and hard ftudy, is (c.eterispari- bus) more to be believed in that matter, than many ignorant men. 4. One that is impartial, a lover öf peace, and not ingaged by faction or interelt toone fideagainfi the other, is ceteris paribus much more credible than a falrious intcrefted man. g. A lober, calm, confiderate man, that will flay and try before he judg- eth is more credible than a paffionate or haft judger. 6. A man of manifet.i honely, confidence, and the far of God, is much more to be believed than a worldly, wicked, bloody, unconfcionable 7. Catene

7. Ceteris Paribus many agreed honeft impartial men are more td be be- lieved thanone, or a few oddand fingular perlons, whp haveno more ad- vantage than the reft to know the truth. S. Theyoung and unexperienced owe force Reverence to the judgment of their Seniors, as more credible byage and experience than their own. 9. Accordingly Children to their Parents, and Scholars to their Mafters and Tutors owe fuchbelief as is anfwerable to their difference, and the Life of their learning of them. By this you may feeon the contrary who is not worthyofbelief. I. One that pretendeth Infpiration, Vilion, Revelation, and giveth the hearer no fufñcient proof of it. II. One that pretendeth to tell you things beyond his reach ; as many Philofophers do about themyfleriesof Nature, fpiritual and corporeal; E- lements or mixt bodies, above and below, ofwhich the Books of many are full, andmalignant men, that take on them to tell you other mens hearts, without jrfl proof, that they are hypocrites, and intend that which they never did, or meant ill, when they laid or did well; and when falle Hifto- rians will tell you with what (unproved) illpurpofes or deceits, perlons, a thoufandmiles off, and perhaps a thoufand years pail, whom they never knew, did fay anddoall that is reported of them. III: 'When there are put fem reporters of things pretended to be known publiek,ly in the world , efpecially when more credible perfons contradict them. I Whenthe perfon is deeplyingaged in a Party, and carryingon all for thetntereft of his Party, doth give you but his word, or the report of his own Party-for what he faiths fo thatyou may perceive that interefl byaffeth him to partiality. V. When the Fliflorianfhewethæmalgnant fpirit, that extenuateth or denieth all the good that was in his Adverfaries, and fafleneth on them as much Odium as he can without jufi próof, and juflifieth all the reproach that is ufed againft them. VI. 14hen the Iliílorian liveth fo far off from the place and time, that he is no competent reporter, having all his notice but by the fame of his own Faffion, as uncapable as hienfe.lf. VII. When the lober moderate met] of his own party contradict him, and fpeak well of the Ferfonswhom he reproached]. VIII. When the reporter is manifefilya proud, worldly, wicked, uncon- fcionable man, efpeciallyof a bloody hurtful difpofition : For as Gods three- fold Influence, or the Vnderflanding, Will and Life is but one, fo the De- vil doth ufually vitiate together the Vnderflanding, Will and Life , and he that is from the beginning- an Enemy, and a Murderer, ns alfo a :fyar: Though a micléd,malignant,and cruel man;mayyet have anopinionative faith and knowledge, and preach the truth, when it is for his carnal intereff; yet when his malice and intereft tempteth him againft it, there is no trufiing his word. a a IX. V4'hei

IX, When an ignorant proud man thinketh that he mull be believed meerly for the reverenceand authorityof his place. X. When the reporter Iiveth in a time and place where carnal interefi bath got the major Vote for faltheod, and it paffeth commonly for truth, efpecially where Tyranny, Civil or Ecclefaftical, filenceth, the truth in Prefs, Pulpit, and Difcourfe, that it dare notbe Spoken ; by which the Pa- pills have not only madetheir own writings and reports incredible, bat by their Indices Expurgatorios, and bate corrupting of ancient Writers; have weakned our certainty of much of the old History and Fathers. XI: when the reporter is a weak and filly man, that bath not wit to lift out the truth. XII.. Whenhe ispafiionatelyrafh, and of hafly judgment, and bath not patience to flay and fufpend his judgment till he hear all.. xIII. When it is aNovice or raw Student, that bath not had time, helps and experience to know what he pretends to know, and yet contradir$eth wifer menof more advantage and experience.- XIV. When prefent experience tellethus, that the party that hewriteth against as unlearned or wicked, are men of Eminent Learning , and the fearof God and that the party that he magnilieth as fetch, are contrary by suchmarks incredible Iiiflory may be difcerned. Q. But how can we knowmens wifdome, andpiety, andbonefty, and impar- tiality, when we neverknew themen ? Anf. Though hypocritesmay muchcoun- terfeit truth and goodnefs, its hard fo to do it, but the contrary which ruleth in themwill break out, as a /link will get throughnarrow paffages : and though truth andhonefly may be much clouded, they have, like light; afelf- revealing power. To give you Tome infiances ; as among PhyfitiansHypocrates, and Galeni and Cellist of olds and of late Montanus, Crato Fernelius, Platens:, Hilda- ttus, and filchothers, do fpeak with that Pelf- evidencing homily, and many Paracelftans -with that palpable vanity, that one of them will constrain be- lief, and theother unbelief, even in them that never heardwhat they were So among Hiflorians , Eufbius, though counted an Arrian, and Socrates, and Sszomen, though called Novatians, and Theodoret, and Liberator, and forne others, do write fo as toconfirain beliefof things which were within their notice,and with hondiimpartiality : Among the Papifts, what clear foot- iieps of underllanding, honefiy, and impartiality, and fo of truth, is . there in. Thuanut, and touch in Commines, Guicciardine, Father Paulus Servita Hilt. of Trent Council, and divers others Though DoEtor James bid us keep Crab, becaufe the later Councilsarecorrupt, and all of them must be taken withdue Antidotes, yet becaufe moll of thematter is fetcht from pub lick Ads and Records, they are more credible than moll single Hiflory Acofra fpeaketh impartially of the Well Indies, and .Godignus of the Abaf ans,. Match. Paris of England, and the Pope,and fo of fotneothers: Of Pro tefiants,. fortedobut;reciterecordedteflimonies,or publick_acts, and the vcry writings themfelves..of the times they fpeakof, when others do bar tell:,

tell you fogies on theirbare word : 6oldaffus, Ruberns, Freherus. and Piffo- ritu,dobut give us Collet` ionsof the writings of thofe former Ages; and nothing of their own : So cloth Mr. Ruff/word, now in his three Volumes of Co11eetions ; and Mr. Fuller hath partlydone fo, and writeth moderately; Mr.Gilbert Burnet thuswriteth the Hiftoryof the Reformation, laying not the credit on his word, but on his Evidences; and Canbden impartially thus writeth of Qtjeen Elizabeth,and in his Brittania: Vfher hash done the like, de eel. Ecclef. of the WYaldenfer ; and in his de Primordüs Eccl. Brit. of the Pelagians, not Jäying, but proving by Records, and old Evidences, what he delivereth , befides the advantage of his known extraordinary learning,honefty,and impartiality; fo doth Fox-for the tnoft pare in his Martyrology give you but the publick Record, or proved Hittories (though Cope call him lyar) Melantrhonand Bucholtzer were menof fuch known fn- ceríty, as conftraineth credit to their reports. On the other fide, who can believe fuchpalpable Railers as 7ympius, Co- chime, Genebrard, and many fuch, that lye contrary tocertainevidence ? fuels as make theVulgar believe; that Luther learnt his Religionof the Devil, and was killedby him; that Oecolampadius was kill'd by the Devil and that Bucer had his guts pull'd out, and call about by the Devil ; that Calvin was a ftigmatized Sodomite and Senfualift ; that. Beza died a Papiü(who lived long after to write a Confutation) and abundance fuch, Melchior Adam gatherethhis Hiftory of Lives from the Pens of- thofe that molt intimately knew the perfons, what able, holy, laborious, and excellent , fervants of God wereCalvin, Beza, Daneses, Knox,' and many loch, as defcribed by Ada- mils, and in the judgment of thofe that were their molt knowing obfer- vers: But what vile rebellious wretches were they in the judgment of Dom $or Heylin, and fuch as he ? what excellent perlons did God ufe for the beyond-lea Reformation ? even as in France; and Holland; Jewel, Bilfon, and other Bithops, defend that which Heylin de.fcribeth as the molt odious Re- bellions : He maketh the Geneva Presbyterians to do that againft their Bi- lhop, which Dr. Pet. Moulin in his Anfwer to Philanax Anglocus, theweth was done before, while they. were Papifts. Some things in Heylins Hiftory of the Reformation, and the Presbyterians, I believe, which he bringeth Records for; but upon his own word I can fcarce believe any thing that he faith, fo palpably partialis he, and of fo malicious and bloody, a itrain, re- .prefen.ting excellent perlons as odious intollerable Rogues, and the Refor- mation, evenof the Lutherans, as too bad ; but that in France, Belgic, Fritf land, the Palatinate, Hungary, 7ranfilvania, Scotland, to be but a feries of the molt odious Rebellions, Murders, and horrid Sacrilcdge ; and ours in Eng. land to be much the Spawn of King Henrier'Luft, and thinking King Ed- ward 6. hisdeath afeafonable mercy; and odioufly reprefenting fuch ex. cellent Bithops as Grindall, Abbot, and Vfher, and loch excellent Divines as we fent toDort, Davenant, Hall,1Vard,Carlton, &c. It pleafeth the Prelatills to fay tru y of me, that I amno Presbyterian, and thereforefpeak not for the per fens partiality, . as one of their party; but I mull fay, as in Gods fi.8la,

fight, that in myown acquaintance, I have found that fort of men, whom Dr. Heylin and fuch other reproach as Presbyterians and Puritans, to be the moil ferious, confcionable,praEfical, fcber, and charitable Chriflians that e- ver I knew, yea verily the knowledge of them hath. been a great help to the ftedfaflnefs of my Faith in Chritt : Had I known no Chrittians but car- nal, worldly, and formal men, who excel not Heathens in any thing but O- pinion, it wóúld have tempted me to doubt whether Chrift were the Sa- viour of Souls; as I fhould think meanly of the Phyftian that Both no cures: But whén I fee holy mortified perfons, living in the love of God and man, Ifee that Faith is not dead fancy : And when I have lived in intimate familiarity with filch, frommy Childhood,'to the fixty fifth year of my age, and known their integrity, notwithffanding their infirmities; and then read fuch Hiftories as reprefent them as themoil odious, flagitious perlons, I fer it is not for nothing that Tome men arecalled todßo:,ar in the Scripture, and the Childrenof their Father the Devil, who was from the be- ginning a lying malignant Murderer. TwoCrimesI have longago heard the Rabble charge on thofewhom they called Puritans, Lying and° Covetoufnefs; whereas near two thoufandMini- ilers atecall out, and fuller, which they could motli? efcape, if they durft but lye ; and if I ask money for the Poor (of what party foever) I can fooner get a Pound from thofe called Puritans, than a Shilling from others far richer than they. Can I take any men to be other than malignant lyars who wouldenake menbelieve that filch men as Hilderfham, Dod, Rogers, Ball, Paul Bagne, Anies, Bradfhaw, &c. were Rogues and feditious Rebels, or that revile filch as V/her, Hall, Davenánt, &e. ? .Reader, believe not a word of any of the revilings orodious charaEters and ftories, which any afpiring worldly faftious Clergymanwriteth of Poch as are his Adverfaries: Iying is their too common language ; yea , if they- do: but once let themfelves eagerly to feek Preferment, I will never trail them, or take their words: It hath been fo of old, the fame man that was a Saint to his Acquaintance, bath been defcribed as wicked, or a Devil by others : How bad were Origen and Chryfffome to heophilut, Blexand. and Epifhanioes ? And how bad- was ?'teophilus to the Élilloriansthat write hisafttons? How excellent a perton was Cyril Alex. t ) the Council of Calcedon, and how bad a man was he to Theodoret, Iflidore, Paul. &c. Ignatius Conti%was a Saint to.Nicetas, and- many others, and to Photius he was an Antiehriff, and wicked limb of the Devil: Photius was a holyman to his Party, and a wicked wretch to Nicetxs, and o- thers : Yea, fee thecredit of worldly Prelates ; the fame Bifhops one year crydown Ignatius as a wicked man, and call Photius a holy perfon; and the next year, or fhortlyafter, cry down Photius for a Rogue, and cry up Igna= tius; yea, and upon the next turn cry up holy. Photius whom they had ana- thematized Thefdoings were familiar with carnal Prelates. Eut as Gods Spirit in his fervants is fo. fuited to the Doétrine of the fame Spirit, that they relifh it where they find it ; to their piety and honefly is fuch afell evidencing thing, that pious andhoned men that knew them, cannot believe their lying flanderers, And

And when Satan hath done his worfl, the very writings of filch men as Calvin, Beza, Melarc &.hon, Perkins, HilderJham, Ames, Dod, Barges, Gataker, 7lfher, Davenant, Hall, eh c. will not Puffer men to believe their odious re- vilers :.Even among Papifis , when I read the works of Bernard, Gerfon, Kempis, Thaulerus, Sales, and the Lives of Nerius, Renti, &c. ì cannot be- lieve him that would tell me they were wicked men. though faulty : And the Lives written by Adam, Clerk, Fuller, &c. (hall be believed before Ca. lumniators. Alas, how littlearemolt Hiftories to be believed, where they prove nor what they fay;- there are about lixty that fay there was a Pope Joan, and near as many that fay nofuch thing. Hildebrand to one half of-the Bifhops wasthe holy Reftorerof the Church, to-the other half the Rebel. We are not agreed here in London who burnt Me City in 1666. nor what parties bi- got/ the late War, nor what party brought the King to death, while we are 'a. live that law thefe publick fads: Not only Lads that knew it not, but Heylin (the great Reproacherof the Reformers) would make men believe that it was Presbyterians in England that began the ftrife and War, when yet he had himfelf laid fo much of it on Archbifhops, and Bifhops,_are n the Parliaments cowjlaints of Popery, Arminianifm, and Arbitrary Ille- galities; and after faith (Hitt. Presb. p. 465. 470.) The truth is, that as the Englifh generally were not willing to receive that yoák; fo neither did the Hoeft! really intend ti¿`mpofe it on them, though for a while to hold fair quar.. ter with the Scots, they feemed forward in it. This appears by theirDeclaration of April 1646 --- Nor have they lived to fee their dear Presbytery fitted, or their Lay- Elders entertained in any one Parifhof the Kingdome (that's falle on the other fide) and yet all mull be done 'by this Parliament; as Presbyterians,, fouryears before, when they were Epifcopal, diflafling only the perlons and actionsof Bifhop Laud, Wren, and (òmeother prefentBi(hops. IfI find a man like 'Schlu lburgius ; fall Pell -mell with reproachon.all that differ from him, or Dr. Heylin, fpeak of blood with pleafure, and as thinly after more (as of Thacker, `Udall, &c.) or as defigning to make Dif fenters odious, as he and moftof the Papifts Hiftoriansdo.. (as the Imageof both Churches, Philanax Anglicus, the Iaiftorieal Collcdions out of Hey lin) I will believenone of thefe revilers, further than, theygive me Cogent proof. I hear of a Scots Narrative of the Treafons; Fornicaiions, Witchcraft', and ': other wickednefs of fome of theScottijh Presbyterians ; and as for me, the Author knoweth not what to call me, unlifi it be a Baxterian, as intending to be a Harefiarcha, being neitherPapift, nor of the Church of England, nor Preaby; terian, nor Independent; &c. To this I fay, I have no acquaintance with any Scots Minifler,.noe ever had in My life, except with Bifhdp Sharp that was murdered, and two o- eher Bifhops (and two or three that live herein London) therefore what they are I. knownet, fave by Fame: But though I have heard that Coun- try afperli, as too much inclin', 'I .never .before heard the . Religious

Religious part and Miniflers fo accufed : Either it istrue, or falfe ; if falfe, fhame be to the reporters; if true, what doth it concern us here, or any that are innocent, any further than to abhor it, and latnent it, and to be thankful to God that it is another fort of men that arecalled Puritans in England; and that in all my acquaintance with them thefe 56 years (which `bath been withverymany in many Countries) 'remember not that ever Iheard af one Puritan, man or woman, fave one , accufed orfit/peered offornication; and that one yet living, though openly penitent , hath lived difowned and filmed to this day; but I haveheard of multitudes that revile them, that make a jell and common pra&ice of it : Try whether you can make the Inhabitants of this City believe, that the Nonconformitlsor Puritans are fornicators, drunkards, or perjured, and that their accufers and haters are iiinocent-men that hate them for fuch Crimes ! But its poflible that you maymare-menof other Countries or Ages believe it, and believe that we wear Horns, andhave Cloven Feet, andwhat you will but I fear not all your art or advantages on thofe that are acquainted with both fides : But the miter)/ is, that faction ingagethmen to affociate only with their party where they hear reproaches of the unknown dilfenters, from whom they fo efirange themfelves, that the Neighbours near ttem are as much un- known to them, fave by lying fame, as if they lived anhundred miles from them. I remember Mr. Creffey once wrote to me, that be turned from the Ptotéffant'Religion to the Roman, becaufe there was among us nofpiritual Books of Devotion for Soul Elevations , and afedionate Contemplation : And I told him it was Gods juil Judgment on him, that lived fo dtrange to his Neigh- bours, becaufe they are called Puritans, and to their Writings, which Shops and Libraries abound with had he read Bifhop Halls, Mr. Greenhams, Mr. Ri. Rogers, Mr. Ja. Rogers, Mr. Hilderfhams, Mr. Boitons, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Downbams, Mr. Reyners, Dr. Sibbes, &c. yea or no better than my Own (the Saints Refit the Lifeof Faith, the Divine Life, the Chri(lian Direffory, &c.) or had he read the Lives of Divines called Puritans (or but fuch as two young men (publifhed partly by my Pelf) Jofeph Allen, and John Janeway) tie would never have gone from the Proteltants'to the Papilts, becaufe of our formalityand want of an affeEtionate fpiritual fort of devotion, e- fpecially knowing what excefs of formality is among the Papifts, and how much it is of the Clergies accufation of the Pi ritans, that they are for too little form, and too much pretence of fpiritual devotion. But if any called Religious, or Puritans, or Presbyterians be vicious, I know no men that fo heartily defire their punifhment and ejeétion, as thofe that are called by the fame names: I thank God that thefe twenty years, whileneither Wit Will, nor Powerhash beenwanting againft them, I have fcarce heardof twomen (if one) that have been judged and proved guilty ofany fach immorality, of all the eje fed filenced Minillers in this Land : I would Icould fay fo of their Adverfaries. II. And now I mull (peak ro the Ac.ufers fpeeches of my Pelf; I thank you Sir chat you feigned no worfe aga_infi me ; if I am anHereft.tréha, why would

wouldnot you vouchfafe to name that Herefie which I have owned : I have given you large Field-room, in near So Books ; and few men can fo write, as that a willing man maynot find fome words which he is able to call He- retie : A little learning, wit, or honefty, will ferve for fuch an hereticating prefumption. 2. I never heard that Arminius was called anArminian, nor Luther a Lutheran, nor BiMMop Laud a Laudian; but if you be upon the knackof makingNames, you belt knowyour ends, and befl know how to- fit themtoit. 3. But ferioufly, do younot know my Judgment ? will not about So Books inform you ? how then canI help it ? 4.No, but you know not what Party I amof, nor what tocall me ; I am forrier for you in this than for my felf ; if youknownot, I will tell you, I am a CHRIST I- AN, a ME E R CHR I S TI AN, of no other Religion ; and the Church that Iam ofis the Chrifiian Church, and bath been vifble where e- ver the ChrifiianReligion and Church hath been vifible : But mutt you know what Seaor Party I am of ? Iamagainft all Seas and dividing Par- ties But if any will call Meer Chrëianr by the name of a Party, becaufe they take upwithmeer Chrillianity, Creed, and Scripture, and will not be of any dividingorcontentious Sea, I am of that Party which is fo againft Parties Ifthe Name CHRISTIAN be not enough; call me a C A- TH OL I CK CHRISTIAN; not as that word fignifieth an here- ticatingmajority of Bilhops, but as it fignifieth one that hath no Religiona, but that whichby Chrifl and theApofiles wasleft to the Catholick Church, or the Body of Jefus Chrifi on Earth. And now Sir, I am forty that you are not content withmeer Chriftiani- ty, and to be a Memberof the Carholick Church, and hold the Communion of Saints, but that youmull needs alfo be of a Sea, and have fame other Name: And how íhall I know that your Sea is better than another? Were not thePapifts Seaaries and Schifinaticks, damning molt of Chrifts Body on Earth .. for not being fubjea ro their Pope, I fhould not be fo mucks againft them. I find promifes of Salvation in Scriptures to Believers, that is,Chriflians as fuch (if fuch fincerely,) but none of the falvation of ïnetr. as Papas, Diocerans, Grecians, 'Nefforians, Eutychians, &c. l' would fay alto [nor as'ProteJlants] did I not take the Religion called Prot egant (aName which I am not fond cf) to be nothing but fimple ChriJiianity, with oppo- fìtionto Popery, and other fuch corruption. And now you know your own defigns, your tongue is your own, and who can controul you ,whàf. ever you will call us but I, and fuch others, call our felves ME É. R CHRISTIANS, or CATHO LICK CHRISTIANS, againft all Seas and Sedation names, andhaters both of true Herefie, Schifine, and: proud,unrighteous, hereticating andAnathematizing. Pfal 4.0 ye font' of men ,. how long willye turnmy glory into Jhzme ? how long will ye love vanity, and feek_after lying? But know that the Lord bath let apart him that isgodly for bimfelf: Pfal. t 2. t, 2, 3, 4, 5. HelpLord, for the godly man ceafeth ; for the faithful fail from among the childrenof men: They fpeak vanity every one vith hit Neighbour, &c. See the refl. b I will

I. will add, that if to be ferious_in the belief of the Chritcian. Faith, and the Life tocome, and in feeking: it abuse thisw rld and ln conftant cn- deavours -to pleafe God, whoever be difpleafcd by it, maketh a man a Puritan, becauCe he is not a formal Hypocrite, then- I would Iwere worthy of the Tides which your Pfeudo- Tilentos and his Brother give rne; who fay, Lam Ptorus Pautar Puritanur, and one gut toturn Puritanifinuna Al- tus fpirat: Alas Iam- not tó good and.happy. But Readers, when this fort . of nien have defcribed the Puritans -as the moat into-liefable Villains, you that knew ahemnot mayconclude, that they were men no more erroneous, or woifethan I, howmuch better foever; for Bithop Morley faith of me, 4b' difce orxnes: And of my Dodrine, I'lave leftthe world a full account; and muff (portly be accountable for it and my life to -God, whole pardon and grace through Chrifi I daily beg and trub- too. ANotice concerning Mr, Henry D°dwell MR. Dodwell having written a copious Diftourfe, afferting; that we haveno right tofalvation, but by Gods Covenant validly Pealed by the Sacrament; and that the Sacrament is not valid; unlefs delivered by one that hath Ordination by fuch a. Bifhop asbathhis Ordinationby another Bifhop, and fo: on by an- uninterrupted fucceflion from the Apoftles; withmuchmore fuck Schifmatical, ftuff, which. I fully confuted in my Books called, [The true and only terms of the Concordofall theChr ian Churches] andI aggravated his Schifinatical condemnation of the Reform- ed Churches, and molt others (as having no true Miniflry, Sacra- ments, nor Covenant-title to falvation, and as finning againft the. Holy Ghoft, becaufe he profcffeth hitnfelf a Proteflant.: The laid Mr.Dodrre/tfaith, that thefe words would perfwade men that I take Tim for a Pááft, and expebteth that I therein right him : Be it therefore known to- all men, that I never meant by that word to accule Mr. Dodwell of being a Papifh, but to aggravate his a-, bufeof Proteftants 5 and that I takemy felt bound to charge no man to be of a Religion which he denieth : And what his Reli- gion really is, his Books may belt inform. him that would know. TH.E,

THE C Chap. i.j THat Order andGovernment Chrift andhis Spiritft- / 1/ tled in the Churches andwhat mas the appointed workof BiPops. Thatparticular Churches, that had every one a Bi fhop, were afföciatedfor perfonal Communionofneighbours : That none on earth for about two hundredyears, andnone but Rome and Alexandria for longer time , can be proved to be more numerous than cur greater Parifhes, nonor halffo big. The Cafe evennfRome andAlexandria examined, andthe likeprovedeven ofthens againf the contrary arguments. How the change was gnade i and what change it is HowPrelacy became the dijeajing tumour oftheChu0. Many Reafoons again/t an illufe of the HifloryofCouncils and Pre- lates ufarrpáticns 5 thatno man thence difhonour Chrif, Chriftianity theMinflryor Church. Chap. 2. Of H_ere(ees : What Errors are not damning, andwhat are. How the mof _ Erroneous corse to cryout againfl Errors -: 17/flawed in all wicked Men, and in Paps, Arrians, Nefitorias, Dioforus, &c. What horrid Work blind Zeal againfii Error hath made, ma- ny infiances even good Alen, as Hillary andPopes andCouncils. The Hill-cryofall the Councils began. TheAft Councils about Eafter contrary to each other. Thefeecond being at Carthage erroneous, acrd Tertullian, Nosatus and 'Novatian. The Rowan Presbiters go- vern the Chorohand call aCouncil, having no Bifhop, and' re f id by Biniusto have the care ofthe imiverfal Church. Cÿprians Coun- cil condemneth a dead man Vidor, for making Fauflinus a Presbi- biter, Guardian of his Sons, and lb entangling hick in worldly buff_ nef. The Council iconie0,2 is f id toerre, and alithofe OrieintalBi- ops excommunicated bÿ the Pope (about Thretichs Baptifin). Mary other Councils fer rebaptizing, with Cyprian's pleading Tradition. IRfhops ofBifhops there centred. Cyprian's Conver&on A fad Heretacatia, Council at Cirta againf Iraditiens. Tie Conei:lium Eliber 117evætiani : And again Images in Charrçhe , c. apron ed by b 2 Pope:,

The Contents. Rope Innocent. The beginningof the, Donat fisSchifin fora Confrantinesrep ofofAlcxanderandAriusfilencingtheirdifu Conch. Laodic. Silvefrers f range RomanCouncil. Chap. 3, The Council of Nice : Confrantine heepeth them in peace. ThefirangeSchifm between Peter Alex. and Meletiùs Two Bi- fhopr andChurches in the fame Cities. The fadfiory troubling the Meletians, and driving them. tpjeekhelpof theArrians, and fo to f rengthen them, Epiphaniusgood charaClerofConfran -. tius and,Valens. His notableCharae/erofAudius,_ andhone the vio- lence ofdilute Bifbops forced him to feparate; and of Alexander and ofCrefeentiussflrife :.: and of°fame Confe/Airs and Martyrs great faults. Andiusbanifhed converteth the Gothes. The Slander ofEuftathius Antioch. Notes ofthe Nicene decrees: The ordina- tian of f andaloaaúncapable men nullified bythem. Concil. Prom: the ,people unitedat the making ofvifhops andPriefls. Arius'sCreedand fÿoration at a Council. Jeruftl.Marcel.Axtcyr. Condemnedat Conf. as denying Chrills Godheadfy th&Arrians whom he wdsforthe fame exileagainflf.AConcil.AntiochdepafdAthanafius andmadeCalons for Conformity. Anno .344 a fourthCreed reconcilingat Antioch : The. General Council of Sardica divide: The Oriental Bi bap.c at Philippoliisfirange charge againf Athanafius, Paulus Confr.&c. and theirplea for peace. The Donati jufice. Theflanden and fall of Bifhop Euphratas. Anno355 a General Council at Mi- Ian where the Arrians prevail. Hilary banifhed by the Seniaran:. IiiSìops:as a fcparatifl. The Council ofSirmiúm curfe Arius, Pho- tinians, and condemn Athanafius, pretending to, reconcile, Confrán- tinslabours union : TheGeneral Council divided at Ariminúm'ánel Seleucia:The Arians;Orthodox, andReconcilersfall intomore Soda Ten creeds,fometimesone,foinetimes another liked or condemned: The. Bifl,.iops: dopoPingand damning each other. OfMeletiusAntiochenus, the .dfntion, dangerandreconciliation about hypofrafis & perfona, ata.Councillof Alexandria. Julian. Jovianforpeace Valentinian. ana.Valens charge the Affan Bifbops togiveover perfeecuting any/ of Chrs Labourers. Valens a zealous Arrian Perfecutar; Damalus bloody Election againft Sitinnius. TheSchifin at Antiochhow ended. Chap. 4.- Tray Rome iras het Orthodox. 4 r: Valens perfecution. §,2. Gratian_.and Valentinian Junior, Theodofius. The Council at Confiance. § 4. Greg. Nazianzens cafe. 4.5. His fad deferip ton of the Cce mcils and nmdecef of thePrelates of his time. 47.8.. T I.e.. caf of Ant oohsSahifm again, Necrarius a Befhop and Patri- ark.

The Contents ; ark before he n, s a baptizedChriflian. 4" i o. The Councils decrees. §-1 I.The Hi fiery ofthe BiJhepsthat prolecuted the P i;illanif r,ánd St. Martins. § 18.f 9. A Council at Capuadecreed that thetwo Bifhops andChurches at Antioch live in love and peace. § 20. Bifhop Bo- norm heree denying Mary's perpetual virginity. § 2I. Jovinians ,herefie dejeribed. §. 23. A wife NovatianCouncil. § 24. Carthage goodCouncils. § 31`. 32, 33, 34. The Hiliory of Melania, and the BiJZope per cittion :of the friends of Origene. § 36. &c. Theo- philus Alex-1tory. § 37. 38.3.9. Chryfoftomes Hiflory. § 40. And theJoannites. § 43. Thofe that'believe tieAfrologers andMattema- ticians curled atTolet. § 47. The MelivitaneCouncils againAp- peals to Rome, and of Liturgies te be approved. § 55. Pelagiusas d Celeftius ab ;/ved by one Council and one Pope and conder, ned byo- thers, § 53. & . Pelagius ConfejJion, 57. Boniface and Eu14liìus fcbifm at Rome, § 59. P. Boniface's decree that no Bifhop be brought or let beforeanyCivil or Military judge,§ 6o. The rxih CouncilofCarthage that relifed thePopes, 5 6 I. P. Celcrtiiïes decree, that no Bifhopbe given to the unwilling. Chap. 5. Atticus Confi. peaceablenef : Thepretty jiiory cf the people. depofing Theodofius Bifhop of Synada, §-2. Cyrils violence; d o Monks afultof Orefles, and the peoples cruel ufage.ofHvpatia, § .3, Alexand. Antioch. andAtticus Confit. by his Council are for re/ór ng the Non-conforms Joannits : Cyrils rcafon againf it, § >4. Whether Cyril repented,§ 5. Ifidore Peluf. words of him, § 6. Proclus refufed Billiop at Cyzicum by the people, § 7. Neftorius chafer!, §8. He is aperfecuter of Heretieks. His opinion§ 9. The firfEphef. Council,_ § so. They divide andcondemnanddepofe each either andfight, and Neftorius, Cyril andMenmon, are defoed ly the Emperours Command, but the two lafrefared. Whether Nefto- rius orCyril was the Heretick. The re ofthat Council, 5 12. ï3', r 4. Derodon proves that Cyril was anEutychian andNeftorius -Dr- thsdox, §18..19. The truth, § 20. Thepreterit Churches of the Ne- florians. That theft Bifhopsfet the world on fire about a word while they agreed in fenfe, § 20.2a, &c. TheEmperourforceth the Bifops to Communion, and (etteth SimeonStillere to pray cio en their hor- rid difcrrd, § a 3. BowingEafwardforbidden, becaufe.t e ;M-lanicher s bowed to the Sun among them, § 29. Leo'sRoman Council of Bi- pops, Priefis and Lay-men: Another againf Hilary,. Arc laten- ls,, §31.32 Chap. 6. of theEutychians, &c. Tie true cafe of tie.Con rozerise,'5 2, ZJnity

Tbe Cositsnts, (Unity taken by one fide far undivided, and by the otherfir undi- ftingui{hed,and f the worldfit again onfire: The Confiantinople Council about Eutychius, 4 5. Another Confantinople Council con-, trarily cleareth hint, 4 8. Ibas cleared at Council Beryt,:4 7. The f- cond Ephfne Council, under Diofcorus. Eutyches juflifaed there. Flaviánus,.Eufeb.Dor. Ibasand Theodolite condemned and de- pofrd. All the Patriar(s elfe andBithops f bfcribe, five the Popes Legates. _ Flavianus hurt and dieth, 49. Leo in a RonnanCoìrncil cordemnetb this, Eph. 2.4 I O. Diofcorus in aSynod at Alexandra excommunicateth Leo, 4 x ii. Theodofius virtueandmiraculous - acry, 4 15. Hispraife of thefeecond Eph. Council, 4 i6. Martians reign, and the CouncilofCalcedon, 4 t 4.17. Turnings, mutualcon- demnings, recantings and rigor. there, 4 x 7.18,19. The cry of the Egyptian Bifhops, 4 24. The Abbots proteflation to cleave only to the NiceneCreed (asPiofcorus did to the NiceneCouncil andEph. r.) and not to fubfiribe Leo's Epifile, and tocontemn excommunicati- ons, 425. Diofcorus not condemned for her* faith Anato- lius, 4 26. Theodorites ufage by the Bifhops, 4 27. The Canon e- quailing Conti. and Rome, § 3G. The doleful ibe of this Coun- cil, § 31. The wofssl work at Alexandria. The murder of Prote- rius, § 33.34. The bloody Tragedy againfh the, CalcedonCouncil and Juvenal (as betrayers of theNiceneFaith) by the Monks. at Jerufalem, § 36. Eudocia and Pulcheria theSpring of all. Leo is Emperour, and for the Council of Calcedon. He,defpofeth Ti- mothyÆlurusatAlexandria,Peter Gnapheus ufurpeth Martyrius Seatat Antioch : Martyrius renouncethhis rebellions clergy andpeo- ple. Gnapheus banifl.ecl byLeo. Stephen that is. for the Council is put in : Theboyes kill him with (harp G wills,, and eaft him into the River, 4 37. Zeno Empereur, Ba1lifcus a f rping commandeth-the E,/hops .to renounce.the Council of Calcedon,. Three Patriarks and fiveHundredBithopsfrrbfiribeagainf it (before moll werefor, it)Ba- fxliCcus changing his mind commandeth that the Council be owned. The Bifbops obeyed this, §38. Zeno reftered, andbeing for theCoun- cil, the Afian : Bithops f id they firl fcribed to Baflicus fí'rf Orders firfear andaskedpardon. Zeno by his Henoticonflenceth the con- troverfie, leaving it free to all to own or difiwn the Council. The Bifbops and peopleare fill wore, at Alexandria and Antioch, &c. Acacius Confi. and Fnlix Rom excommunicatecads other, 4 39. Flavitas Conti. cheateth . the Emperour that would haveGod by an Angel (bole the Biflop,* 40., The Bifhaps of Alexandria and An Hoch