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their Councils abridged 71' fwaded the Bithops and Emperour but in vain : The profecution was fo managed by the Bithops, that in the Countreys, thofe that did but Falb and Read much were brought under the fufpicion of Prifcillianifin, and reproached : Thiscommon injury to Piety from theBifhops grieved Mar- tinyet more, fo that he renounced the Communion of the Bithops and their Synods : whereupon they defamed him to the Emperour and People, as anunlearned Man, aSchifmatick, fufpeaed of. favouringPrifci/lianifm! But Martins hounds and Miracles magnified himwith the Religious fort. At laft a great Prifcillianift being fentenced to death, Martin travelled to the Emperour Maximus to beg his Life. Maximus told him, he would grant his defire if he would but once communicate with the Bithops : Mar- tinpreferring Mercy before facrifice, yielded, and did once communi- cate with them. But profelfed that in his way home, an Angel correfted . him and threatned him if he did fo any more and that from that time- his gift of Miracles was diminithed : and fo he never communicate& with them more to the Death ; Sulpitius his Narrative puts the Reader. to a great difficulty, either to believe fo many and great Miracles as he . reports, or not to believe fo learned, pious, and credible an Hiítorian, . who profeffeth to fay nothingbut what heeither faw himfelfor had from the Mouth ofMartin, or thofe that law them, and who fpeaketh his own knówledg of his eximious Piety. He fpeaketh hardly of the Bithops, not only as complying with an Ufurper, but that Ititacius in particular of his knowledge, was one that much cared not what he faid or did The Bi- fhops would have denied that the deathof Prifcillianwas by their means:. Is it not ftrange that the Church of Rome fhould Canonize- Martin for a. Saint, believing his great Miracles, and yet themfelves go an hundred' times further againft the blood of Dilfenters, than the Bifhops didwhom, Saint Martin therefore oppofed and feparatedfrom to the death ? TheChurches in Spain, and elfewhere,.were difturbed and fcattered or endangered by Souldiers to pleafe thefe Bifhops,..not(as force forge) that.: Maximus did perfecute the Chriftians for the Prey : For moat Writers magnifie his Piety and Defence of 1lmbrofe, and the Orthodox that con- demn his. Ufurpation, though he laid, the Souldiers in Britain forced him. to it. S. 54. LXXIV.. A General Council' was called to Rome by theEmpea- rour and Damafüs; but the Oriental Bithops would not come fo far, but- met at Cònftantinopie : Here Damafüs owned Paulinos at .Antioch, as the Council of Conic. had owned Meletius : And fo neither would be obedient_ to the other; the General Council, nor the Pope. But Damafüs durft not excommunicateFlavianus, but permitted two Bifhops to continue at Antioch ; accounted a Schifm, which continu'èd.long.. §. 15. LXXV. The Oriental Bithops that would, not come to Rómr, meeting at Cory anrinople,wrotetoRome to teal them their Cafe and Faith, Se minded them that it was according to the Canons thatNeighbour Bifho s, (and. not Strangers) fhould: Ordain Whops to vacant Seats (to juitif theie,