Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

their Councils abridged. j 13 the reft.All mutt be damned and ruined that would not be for God, that is, that was not of their minds. When Liberty was once up, the people were fignificant, and their mind was loon known. At Antioch, Calendion was caft out ofhis Seat, and Peter Cnapheus got in again. (For a Com- bat for a Bifhoprick was a War wlbich they fcrupled not.) And at Alex- andria the whole Citywas in confufion while Peter Moggus and7ohn'trove who fhould b3 Bithop. Maggio of Alexandria anathematizing the Calce- don Council, end perfecuting Diilènters, the Emperour laboureth to re- concile them. Acacias at Conflantinople, though fuppofedOrthodox, Corn- municateth with Peter Moggus : whether in obedience to Zeno's Henoti- con, or wearyof hereticating, and why, is not known. (O how com- mon were feparatift Bifhops in thofe days!) Falix Bithop of Ronne con- demneth Acacia's Bithop of Conffantinople for this Acacias had equal pri- viledges given by theCalcedon Council, and had the prefence of the Em- perour and Senate, and he again condemneth Falix ; blotting his name out of the fhcred Albe (their Book of life.) §. q.o. Acacias shortly dying, the Emperour found it too hard a task to choofe a Patriarch, that fhould not keep up the Sedition ; Therefore he will refer the choice to God : To that end he putteth a blank paper on the Altar, and another by it, rqueíting of God. that an Angel might write there the name of him that God would have to be Patri- arch : The doors are fait locked, and forty days Fatting and Prayer com- manded, to prevailwith God : The Keys are committed to a fure and great Courtier, but one that was fubjeft to Angels: One Flavitas bribeth him, and he writethFlavitas's name in the paper, and fealeth up the doors : And fo there was an Arch-bifhop chofen by an Angel. This man joined with Peter of Alexandria by Synodal Letters, tocommand all to curie the Council: and yet wrote to the Bithop of Rome, that he re- nounced Communion with Peter; and he wrote to Peter that he renoun- ced Communion with the Bifhop of Rome. But its fearful fporting with God and Angels : He dyed within four Months. §. 41. After Flavitas fucceeded Euphemius: He joined with theBifhop of Rome, and rafed Peter's name out of the Church Book: Peter and Eaaphemites as two Generals were about gatheringSynodical Armies againit each other, and against, and for the Council. But the Foot that ipurn- eth abroad and fpoileth the Deigns of Worldlings; even Death pre- fently removed Peter. One Athanafias fucceedeth Peter, and fain he would have reconciled and united his Clergy and People, but he could not: Holy zeal is too eafilyquenched, but not contentions carnal zeal. Palladins fucccedeth Peter Cnapheets at Antioch : Both thefe great Patri- archs join together to curie the Council of Calcedon ; and down went the Council. But death again maketh a turn, they Both dye, and ohn fucceeded at Alexandria, andFlavia°aus at Antioch. Yet thefe mutt be of the mind of the major part, and both join allo to curie the Council : And the Patriarchs of Rome and Corffantin pie cure them, and are for the Q Corr c'D