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their Cow& 4bridgett t 19 ruled by fear; fir Princes arefor the World of unbelievers but not fm. the Churchand Spiritual perfons who live above them its the life of Love. Anfw. i. This was oneof the firft Heretics which the. Apoftles wrote againft : Many tempted Chriftians then to think that Chriftianity freed them from fervice and fubjedion and made all equal : But how plain- ly, frequently and earnellly, do Paul and Peter condemn it? Is it not a Ihame to bear fuch Papifts as cry up fuch a Herefie as this, cry down and damn a Neflorian, or an Eutychian, or a Monothelite, for an unskil- ful nie of a word? P411/ faith, He that teacheth otherwife (againft fuh- jedion) is proud, knowing nothing, but doting. z. Love doth indeed fet us above Fear, and Legal threats fo far as k Prevaileth : But it is itnperfed in all, and Fear ftill neceffary, 3. And this takethnot down either the Law or Magiftracy to us, but only maketh us lefs need filch means. It's one thing to love and live fo holily and juftly as neverto need or fall under the fword of Magi- ftrates ; and another thing to be freed from fubjedion and obliga- tion. This increafeth in many the opinion, that the Papal Kingdom is An- fichriftian, in that they fet up themfelves above Rulers that are called, Gods. 3. 13ut why mutt this priviledge extend to the Clergy only ? Have not other Chriftiansas muchholy love, and fpirituality, asmolt ofthem ?" And: mutt Princes rule only Infidels? Some fufpe& none as inclining to,Popery, but thofe that take up fome of their Dodrines of Tranfubftantiation, Purgatory, Images, &c. But they that on pretence of the railing of the Church, and defending its power, do firft call the Clergy only the Church, and then feek to make themfelves theLords of Princes, by the pretences of an Excommunica ting Power, and plead themfelves from under them, and take it for their priviledges to be free from fubjedion to them and their penal. Laws, are doubtlefs levened with that Popifh Heretic, whichhath done much of all the mifchiefs, which,the forecited Hiftory defcribeth. so. CXXXI. Betides fome little contention at Akx,andri4, under Proterius, before he was murdered ; the next in Binnius, is faid to be at. Angices (Andegavenfe,) which faith over again fomeof their old Canons againft Priefts living with Women, and removing from place ta place, and fuch like. And the Papifts fay that this Council was to contradid the Emperour Valentinians Law, and to vindicate the rights of the Church, as not being lyable to Civil Judicatures, or under Kings. S. s T. CXXXII. Asno 453, A French Venetick Council was called about Ordinations, which repealed fome former Canons, and was fo ftrid, that the firft Canon kept Murderers and Falfe Witneffes from the Sacrament, till they repented (inftead of hanging them.) And the fecond Canon