Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

tell you fogies on theirbare word : 6oldaffus, Ruberns, Freherus. and Piffo- ritu,dobut give us Collet` ionsof the writings of thofe former Ages; and nothing of their own : So cloth Mr. Ruff/word, now in his three Volumes of Co11eetions ; and Mr. Fuller hath partlydone fo, and writeth moderately; Mr.Gilbert Burnet thuswriteth the Hiftoryof the Reformation, laying not the credit on his word, but on his Evidences; and Canbden impartially thus writeth of Qtjeen Elizabeth,and in his Brittania: Vfher hash done the like, de eel. Ecclef. of the WYaldenfer ; and in his de Primordüs Eccl. Brit. of the Pelagians, not Jäying, but proving by Records, and old Evidences, what he delivereth , befides the advantage of his known extraordinary learning,honefty,and impartiality; fo doth Fox-for the tnoft pare in his Martyrology give you but the publick Record, or proved Hittories (though Cope call him lyar) Melantrhonand Bucholtzer were menof fuch known fn- ceríty, as conftraineth credit to their reports. On the other fide, who can believe fuchpalpable Railers as 7ympius, Co- chime, Genebrard, and many fuch, that lye contrary tocertainevidence ? fuels as make theVulgar believe; that Luther learnt his Religionof the Devil, and was killedby him; that Oecolampadius was kill'd by the Devil and that Bucer had his guts pull'd out, and call about by the Devil ; that Calvin was a ftigmatized Sodomite and Senfualift ; that. Beza died a Papiü(who lived long after to write a Confutation) and abundance fuch, Melchior Adam gatherethhis Hiftory of Lives from the Pens of- thofe that molt intimately knew the perfons, what able, holy, laborious, and excellent , fervants of God wereCalvin, Beza, Daneses, Knox,' and many loch, as defcribed by Ada- mils, and in the judgment of thofe that were their molt knowing obfer- vers: But what vile rebellious wretches were they in the judgment of Dom $or Heylin, and fuch as he ? what excellent perlons did God ufe for the beyond-lea Reformation ? even as in France; and Holland; Jewel, Bilfon, and other Bithops, defend that which Heylin de.fcribeth as the molt odious Re- bellions : He maketh the Geneva Presbyterians to do that againft their Bi- lhop, which Dr. Pet. Moulin in his Anfwer to Philanax Anglocus, theweth was done before, while they. were Papifts. Some things in Heylins Hiftory of the Reformation, and the Presbyterians, I believe, which he bringeth Records for; but upon his own word I can fcarce believe any thing that he faith, fo palpably partialis he, and of fo malicious and bloody, a itrain, re- .prefen.ting excellent perlons as odious intollerable Rogues, and the Refor- mation, evenof the Lutherans, as too bad ; but that in France, Belgic, Fritf land, the Palatinate, Hungary, 7ranfilvania, Scotland, to be but a feries of the molt odious Rebellions, Murders, and horrid Sacrilcdge ; and ours in Eng. land to be much the Spawn of King Henrier'Luft, and thinking King Ed- ward 6. hisdeath afeafonable mercy; and odioufly reprefenting fuch ex. cellent Bithops as Grindall, Abbot, and Vfher, and loch excellent Divines as we fent toDort, Davenant, Hall,1Vard,Carlton, &c. It pleafeth the Prelatills to fay tru y of me, that I amno Presbyterian, and thereforefpeak not for the per fens partiality, . as one of their party; but I mull fay, as in Gods fi.8la,