Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

Church-Hiftory- I _ OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BISHOPS AND THEIR COUNCIL S ABBREVIATED. Including the chiefpart of the Government of Chriflian Princes and PORES, and a true account of themoll troublingControverfies and Herefies till the R E F O R M A T J O N Written for the ufe efpeciallyof them : I. Who ire tgnórantor mifinformed of the ftatc of the Antient Churches. II. Who cannot read many and great Volumes. Who think that the Univerfal Church muff have one Vifible Sove- raign, Perfonal or Co11edive, Pope or General Councils. IV. who would know whether Patriarchs, Diocefans, and their Councils, have been,or muff be the cureof Herefies and Schifines. V. Whowould know the truthabout the great, Herefies whichhave divided the Chriftian world, efpecially the Donatifts, Novatianr, Arrians, Mace- doniani, Nefforians, aye/tins, Monothelites, tic. Ey 1i Ì C FI A'RDBAXTER, à Hater of falfe Hiítory: LONDON: Printed by P. Griffin, and are to be Sold by 7bomas Simmonsat the Princes Arms in Ludgate-Street, and John Kidgell at the Atlas in Cornbil near theRoyal Exchange. MDCLXXX.