Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

2$ Church=Hiftory of13ijhops and CHAP. IL Of Herefaes, and of the firfi Councils. . He Apoffle ?antes faith, ch.,zo. Brethren, ifany one of you do erre from the truth, and oneconvert him, Lethim know that he that converteth a firmer from the erreur ofhis way, Both faveafoulfrom death, andhide a multitude of lam. By which it is implyed, that Erreur tendethunto Death : But what Erreur is it ? Is,it all ? Who then can be faved ? It is of great ufe toknow, what Errours are mortal, and what not. S. z. There are errours that are no-fins, and errours that are fins. Thole whichare not voluntary either in themfelves, or in their antece- dent caufes, are nofins : Thofe which arenot voluntary either by the aft or by the omicronof the will, are no fins. Thofe which are unavoidable through aneceffitywhich is not moralbut natural, are no fin : As ifInfants, Idiots, Mad-men, erre in matters ofwhich they areuncapable: Or if any erre for wantof any revelation of the truth. As if the Papilts did rightly charge thofe with errours whom they burnt for denying Trarifublfantiation, yet it could benoPanful erreur, becaufe it is neceffary and unavoidable. For the firlt difcerning principle is fence: And if we are deceived while we -¡'v that tobe Bread andWine, which all the found fenfes of all men in theWorld perceive as fuch, we have no remedy. For whether fenilebe fallibleor infallible, it is certain that we have no other faculties and or- gans to perceive immediately fenfible things by. I can fee by nothing but anyeyes, nor hear any other way than bymy ears. If they fay, that we mutt believezthar, all mens fenfesare deceived when God telleth us fo ? I anfwer, If we do not prefuppofe that by fenfe wemutt perceive things fenfible, it is in vain to talkofGods telling us any thing; or of any of his Revelati- ons, or faith therein:, For I knownot butby fenfe, that there is aBible, or a Man, ora Voice.orWord, tobe believed. And as humanityIs prefuppo- fed toChriflianity, fo is fenfeand reafonto faith and the objets according- ly. And to fay, that all mens found fences about their due placedobjects are fallible, is but to fay, that no certainty can be had. S. 3. Of tholeerroursthat arefans, it is not all that areelfe4tively mor- tal or damning fins : Eife no man couldbe faved. There is no manthat hath not a multitude oferrours, that hathany aftual ufe of reafon. S. 4- Err-ours are of three forts : s. Errours. of Yudgment `to fay no.- thing;