Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

aidaccerdin, tothat Law (with all that art under t there. e,13 XcculationWill be [Lord, theft are 'Unbelievers, In,- nt,or Rebelt again"f¢ thee the Redeemer, and did not perform the ions ofthy promife. or LaW of grace] that the Mediate cc c.ttionde Reatu culpw From whence is inferred the remote and the Matequoad reatum pan-, thin, [Therefore they have no Rem? ff n offi-n according to thy Promifei and [therefore they are liable both to the common condemnation offanners, and to thegreat- erfpecial Condemnation of unbelieving impenitent fanners] Againfl the WI ccurat ion no man is luflified but by own Faith, Repen- tance andObedience, that is, by pleading not Guilty. And if this ....,iccufittion be not brought or furpofed againfl rren to Judgement, no man can be condemned (at hail that loathheard the Gofpel) : For it is finely the Vnbelieving, or Impenitent,andRebels againfi God- Redeemer, that fhall be condemned to Hell, becaufe being fuch, the former Guilt it not removed, anda Greater is incurred. The foul that i3 Juflife dby its own Faith, Repentance and fincere bedience,' againfl the (7711 Accufation, is confiquentially 7uflified againfl the Second, [ofhavingno pardon or part-in Chrifi,] for the Antecedent being difproved,t he Confequent is thereby difProved. .And this be- ingproved that he bath part en Chrifl, and in his promife of pardon and Life, thencefolloweth immediately thefinalfentence, therefore for the fake ofChrift his blood and Merits he is to be Juftified or Abfolved, or not condemned, but as a Member of him to be Glorifiedwith him in his Glory. So thenmenAall be condemned both by the Let, of works,and the LaW ofGrace but thole that are 7,rgifle,o1 (hall be 741ifiedonly by the Law of Grace ; yet aping the Accufation ofbeing condemnablefor violating the LaWofwork:, (hall We be luflifiedby ChriffsfatisfaElion ; and therefore I may cal, that fatisfatlion our Juftitia prolegalis ; that which is nflead ofa Legal Righteonfnefs tous. 48. Therefore cloth the ?sedge *Riflemen, becaufe they are7isfl : Cep. 18; 134. He hateth him on earth, that issflifi'eth the wicked, or condemneth z4, z5 the Innocent . The Righteoufnefs ofthe caufe, andofthe perfon as to Pray. 1712 15. that caufe, is the Reafon Why as to that caufe he is Yullified.(Thosigh ''ngs '3" yet that may becall da Cassle in Law-fenfe, which in Logickit but e tn e Rom.2.,, a Condition : and that may be a true Coop ofthe juflifying or Re- I, Tim. 4. 8. warding fentence, Which it no true caufe, but only a condition of the , Reward itPelfor Right to Impunity,) Whatfoever Goff zs to be tryed