Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(6'0 Joh 5. 2;2,7,28,29. For the Fatherludgetb no man, but path committed gall judgemeot unto the Son, Andbathgiven him autho- rity to execute lodgement alto, beware he is the Son ofman. Mar- vail not at this : for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves fhall hear his voice, andfhall come forth. The) that have Done Good unto the Befttereaionof Life, and they that have done Evil to the Refurreaion of Damnation. i Pet. I. 16,17. Be Holy,for l amHoly : And ifye call on the Father, who Without refpea ofperfonr ludgeth According to every mans Works, pals the time ofyourfojourning here infear. Phil. 4.17. Idefirefruit that may abound toyour Account. Mat. 16. 27. For the Son ofman fhall come in the Glory of his Father With his Angels, and then he fhall reward every man accor- ding to his works. 7. 30,31 But nowcommandetb all men everyWhere to Repent, becarefe he bath avointeda day,in which he will page the World in Righteaufners, by that manWhom he bath ordained. Mat. 13. 49. Sofhall it be at the end of the World, the Angels fhall come forth, andfever the Wicked from among the lull, and fha Il caft them into the furnace offire. 43. Then fhall the righte-, oue Thine ota the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. 2 Cor. 9.6. But this Ifay, fiewhichfowethfparinglyfhall reap (Paringly : andhe whichfoweth bountifullyfhall reap bountifully. Verf. 9. As it is written, he bath difperfedabroad,he hathgiven to the poor ; his Righteoufnefs remaineth for ever. Gal. 6.4,5,6,7,8,9,10. But let every man prove his own work, and then/hall he have rejoycing in himfelfalone, and not inanother. For every man fhall bear his oWn burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate to him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived ; God is not mocked :For whatfoever a man foweth, that fhall he alfo reap. For he thatfoweth to his fiefh, (halt of the fiefh reap Corruption : but he that foweth, to the Spirit, fhall of the Spirit reap Life ever/ailing. And let us not be weary of wel-doing: for in duefeafon wefhall Reap, ifwefaint not. As we have oppor- tunity thereforelet ire dogood to all men, &c. Pfal. 58. ti . So that a manA411fity,Ferily, there isa Rewardfor the Righteous : verily he is aGod that judgeth in the earth. 2 Time 4.7,8. I have fought a good fight , 1 havefinilhed my